ok I have a duck that has a cottony pompom on its head


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
I have 2 ducks that I was told were Indian Runner mixes. They both have a pompom on their head... Does anyone have any idea what they could be mixed with? If I can figure out how to do a moble upload I will post a pic of them.
Its called a crested. Their probably runner x crested something. post a pic we will be able to help u out then.
I think most all ducks come in crested varieties, so could be anything really. Can't help you with how to upload, but would love to see pictures, bet they're cute!
Breeding two crested ducks together can result in high losses - some will still hatch. It not an automatic death sentence for every embryo growing in an egg laid and fertilized by crested ducks. The crested gene is incompletely dominant- basically meaning that the parents dont always pass on the gene if they carry it. If both parents do pass on the crested gene then the duckling is very unlikely to hatch. This can effect up to 50% of a clutch of eggs. With the other 50 % half will be crested- and half no crest.

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