Ok-- I have an orphaned Leghorn--can a 5 wk old chick give her comfort


9 Years
Aug 26, 2010
The remaining chick that the leghorn didn't kill is all alone. I am afraid after 24 hours that her mother might not remember her. This story of the leghorn killing two ee's is in another thread....
Anyway, I have 3 little ee's 5 wks old. If I took just one and placed it w/ the now, 2 day old chick; would there be blood?

Thanks for the help.
I would try, put them together in a place where neither of them is familiar with so there will be no felling of someone coming into someone else’s territory so less fighting maybe, and watch them carefully for a few days and if the older one is mean in any way take the chick away and you may just have to be his only friend until he can care for himself
That's a huge size difference between the chicks. I didn't read your other post, but does the 2 day old know to drink water and eat?

I'm not saying it won't work, it just may, but make sure you have something set up where the 2 day old can go to where the 5 week old won't fit. I'm not sure where you are at, but are the nights warm enough for the chick?

I would keep a very close eye on them.
Yeah, I lost my nerve. I haven't put anyone with the little one as yet. I have food & water for her, but she's not interested as yet. I expect she'll get hungry later today.

It's in the 80's or low 70's at night. But I have a heat lamp that she can get as close to or as far way from as she likes. That's another thing, the 5 week old may get a tad warm, so I'm doing nothing but watching and loving the lone baby!

Thanks for your thoughts!
Is there a feed store near you that you could buy one or two other chicks to put with the lonely baby? Also temporarily a mirror and a stuffed animal or feather duster will help the little guy feel less alone.

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