Ok, Miss P and all the rest of you enablers, I have an incubator.

Still working on getting some eggs, but I'm closer.

My probe thermometer is shot, doesn't work at all. So I've got to find another one.

Oh, and I had this brain storm the other morning. I realized, for the fan to work well, it has to be away from the wall of the incubator, so air can get in behind it, so I pulled it out a bit.
that looks great !!!! Keep us posted -- new incubator deal just for you 7 eggs 10.00 s/h included-- since these enablers forced us to get incubators !! LOL
Just had to jump in here. I think once your temp is set that the humidity issue will be your constant to work on. I have a styrofoam bator and I'm forever trying to keep the humidity up. I go to work leaving plenty of water in there and when I get home at night sometimes it is nearly gone or all gone. To me, that is the hardest thing here in CO.
Yesss.... I am waiting until one of my big bators hatch to do all the changes I am planing. One of them is to install fans. If you didn't write this, I would've mounted them flat against the wood..

Thank you!

If you have the floor wire held up I would just poor the water into the bottom of the bator, you can have a much larger surface area that way. Also the closer you have the water bowl to the heat source the better the humidity will be too. YOur home made look wonderful and I hope you have a good first hatch with it. Jenn
Well, we are gearing up now for the big hatch. Thanks Sharisr32 for the egg offer, that's a great one. I was all lined up to get some mixed breed ones from windyoaks, but then one of my pure breed options came through, and we'll be hatching RIR's

So, since I had given up last night on getting anything and my probe therm. was dead, I shut everything down. Now, I've fired it all back up again. Told the lady, no big hurry on the eggs, give me a week. I want to get everything stable and devise an egg turner. Got a new thermometer and we're heating up now.

As far as humidity goes, I put a 4 X 6 (approx dims) 4" deep Glad plastic dish in the bottom, so I can fill it up and not increase the evaporation area. So it lasts a long time and the humidity is about right.

Got to find a way to keep DH from reading my e-mails though. He found out about the eggs before I was ready to break the news to him :thun

Well wish me luck.

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