Ok to eat eggs ?


7 Years
May 2, 2012
One of my hens is sitting on the eggs, she won't get out of the box. My question is if she sits on the eggs are they still ok to eat ? She sat on them less than 24 hrs. I wish I could make her stop wanting to sit on the eggs.
Yes, absolutely, you can eat eggs that were sat on for less than 24 hours. No problem at all. You won't be able to tell any difference from ones that weren't sat on at all - they taste the same and look the same. Crack one in a bowl and see!
It depends on how many eggs there are . If she has 10 eggs under her ,then one of the eggs is at least 10 days old ,etc . If you want to eat them you can float test them in a bowl of water .Fill a dish with water deep enough to completely cover the eggs . Put them in the water. If they lay flat on the bottom ,they are fresh ,if they stand on end ,under water they are old ,,,if they float ----throw them at your neighbors cat haha

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