Ok what exactly is "scratch"

If you ask for a bag of "hen scratch" at our co-op, what you'll be given is a bag of finely ground corn as I described above. Not exactly something that the hens can peck and scratch for as it's as fine as baby powder.

Well I really don't know why that would be, I guess that is the differance in locale around here we call that ground corn, comes looking almost like cornmill it is really good to add to quail food when they are about 6-8 wks old....
Locale can be different. You might ask for 'cracked grain mix' or
'middlings' - these are also names the milling or feed folk might know them by.
I, too, buy mine at Tractor Supply. The bag clearly says scratch grain, it's a 50 lb. brown paper bag. I give mine a little scattered on the ground in the morning to give them something to do after being locked up past their waking time( I leave the coop closed up until eight to try to reduce rooster noise for the neighbors). I also sometimes let them out of their fenced area into the rest of our yard if I am home. When I am leaving, I just shake the jug I keep it in and they come running, that way they are safe while I'm gone.
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Chickens love scratch, but usually I only use scratch feeds in the later fall thru Feb. Mixed 50/50 with there grower feed. Scratch is a mixture of grains - usually cracked corn, wheat, oats, etc. It is about 8% protein and not all that nutritous to compared with a milled bag of feed. It is good for the winter months to give added energy.
I feed my flock dumor from TSC
with yogurt on the side
and they let me know they prefer Vanilla
not cherry LoL fussy little fuzzy butts.
but have never given scratch.I may try it for the winter months.
mixed in with their regular feed.
this will help the feed budget.
In the olden days, they recommended plain old skim milk to moisten grain mashes, as it was considered an unfit by-product of other dairy processes.

Today, we add bacteria to the same skim milk and call it "yogurt," charge a dollar for 6 oz. and justify it all by telling ourselves it possesses "advanced, gastro-beneficent pro biotic constituents."

Thats progress....
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