Okay ladies, what do you do about.....

I THINK it was a serious question, but everyone is in a goofy mood tonight. I have seen some of the funniest posts ever, maybe we are all just trying to stay warm.

Debiraymond is right on! Bare minerals rock!

When I use that stuff I never get zits. Any other mineral makeup and I do. It is the BEST!
For wrinkles I use either Renova (prescription retin A cream) or Neutrogena Healthy Skin (OTC retin A cream)

Don't really have dark circles, but Bare Minerals has been my make-up of choice for several years now.
If you ever do get dark circles, BISQUE!!!

Good advise and if you eat enough BISQUITS your wrinkles get stretched out flat.
On the topic of Preparation H, my Bloodhound had it prescribed by the vet (not for her wrinkles..she is still saggy). She had a nasty open wound where she had been bitten by a rattlesnake and the swelling had burst. Anyway.. I thought the pharmacist would think it strange that I was buying so much of it, but didn't really help matters by telling him 'it's not for me it's for my dog'.
see, it just keeps getting funnier and funnier....... who could make that one up?

Hope the BH is better soon, I would soooo love one someday
see, it just keeps getting funnier and funnier....... who could make that one up?

Hope the BH is better soon, I would soooo love one someday

She got over it, it happened about a year ago now
She has a scar but is otherwise ok. I guess it's fairly common to use Prep H to shrink wounds and help the skin heal over quicker.

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