Oklahoma Anyone???

I haven't seen this thread in a long time! It is good to see some new Oklahoma folks joinin BYC.

Come join us on the OKIE thread and share some of your photos.

I think there is also a thread where some of you who are from eastern Oklahoma can also visit with some of the folks closer to you.

We love talking chickens and other critters on any of the OKLAHOMA threads.
Hi! I've been doing this for about a year. I spoil my girls rotten. I live in Tulsa and I would be happy to help if I can. This is a great site to get lots of good advice. :)
I'm from Westville, Ok. I have pretty much just started. I have some Aracaunas and some white leghorns but I am soon to hatch some blue Double Laced Barnevelders. I... can't.... wait! Loving this site and all the info!

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