Old English Game Bantams


This is lex, my ginger red X bbr game bantam.

Can you help me determine the breed/colour/sex of my chicks? They are now 16 weeks old, their mum was a white silkie, no idea what dad was? But I think they are old english bantams. Thanks

Can you help me determine the breed/colour/sex of my chicks? They are now 16 weeks old, their mum was a white silkie, no idea what dad was? But I think they are old english bantams. Thanks
they look like roos to me, possibly OEGBx not sure what colouring would be classed as
Hey everyone! I got this guy over the weekend. Supposed to be OEB rooster about 8 weeks old. Anyone have any input based on looks? He's my first rooster and my first bantam.

I just got my pair of Ginger Red's and i would like some history about them

I have some pictures of mine in my profile idk if you'd like to look at them you are more than welcome, also to be honest mine have been quite calm and non aggressive towards me or other birds, except for the crossed ones, those really get in my nerves specially the males
Hello I just saw in person for the first time yesterday Red Pyle OEGB and they were very small and very beautiful I was wondering the ups and downs for such a breed? I understand their flighty because of their size I already clip wings though so I'm not worried about that but how many eggs do they lay in a week? If it's very little I'm not concerned my hens lay almost none.How often do males fight? Are they ever broody ever? These type of questions are what I have in store.Thanks to anyone that replies!

When my two hens are not broody they will produce about 6 eggs in a week each, as for fighting I don't know I only have the one rooster till the cockerel gets older now for broody both hens went broody at the same time this spring and one just hatched out 7/7 3 days ago
and they both are good mothers. I am very happy with Red Pyles.
Hi, got 4 chicks that were supposed to be OE and the larger speckled hen was told is standard OE
I have quite a few others. I just grab one when I can lol. Would really like to know what the chicks might be and was hoping ppl with OE fowl could help. Thanks. Oh, chicks were labeled bantam also if that matters

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