Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Ughhhh!, i spoke to soon!, Melow is offically NOT a good mother!!!
thank you so much I have printed out your instructions so I remember what to look for! they are in a save place right now they are in a dog cage to keep the other bird away from them. I call it my chicken cage.
All 6 chicks survived the night. We've got:
Teddy (Naked Neck/Silkie/EE)
Peanut (some kind of bantam)
Julie (some kind of bantam)
Spot (Light Brahama mix)
-- (Something... no idea WHAT it is. Hatched out from a blue egg but no green legs)
Pepper (SilverLaced Wyandotte mix)
I just got home from my golf tournament. UGH>... I'm about to die. I went to watch the chicks explore and noticed my egg was gone. It hadn't hatched.. there were only 6 chicks. I ran up to the house wondering if the chick had died or something, and I asked my mom where the bantam egg was. This bantam egg hadn't piped yet, but I could hear faint tapping. What was weird was it barely ever tapped. I don't know... but my mom killed my spirit.
"What bantam egg? Oh... well the girls were making a lot of noise and I saw the bantam egg and I guess Houdinni layed it!"
Oh. My. Gosh.
I AM SO MAD! Ugh... I just want to go get my pillow and cry. She put the egg in the refridgerator. My chick. Little Faith. Dead for good. We cracked it, and sure enough there was dead baby Faith. She keeps saying she's sorry but it doesn't help =/. At least 6 other chicks are good. 60% are alive.
All 6 chicks survived the night. We've got:
Teddy (Naked Neck/Silkie/EE)
Peanut (some kind of bantam)
Julie (some kind of bantam)
Spot (Light Brahama mix)
-- (Something... no idea WHAT it is. Hatched out from a blue egg but no green legs)
Pepper (SilverLaced Wyandotte mix)
I just got home from my golf tournament. UGH>... I'm about to die. I went to watch the chicks explore and noticed my egg was gone. It hadn't hatched.. there were only 6 chicks. I ran up to the house wondering if the chick had died or something, and I asked my mom where the bantam egg was. This bantam egg hadn't piped yet, but I could hear faint tapping. What was weird was it barely ever tapped. I don't know... but my mom killed my spirit.
"What bantam egg? Oh... well the girls were making a lot of noise and I saw the bantam egg and I guess Houdinni layed it!"
Oh. My. Gosh.
I AM SO MAD! Ugh... I just want to go get my pillow and cry. She put the egg in the refridgerator. My chick. Little Faith. Dead for good. We cracked it, and sure enough there was dead baby Faith. She keeps saying she's sorry but it doesn't help =/. At least 6 other chicks are good. 60% are alive.
Congrats on all that hatched so exciting, and so sorry about Little Faith how sad.
Hi johnn what did Melow do?
Well the Orpington is a single mother know and its really made her insecure, shes alot more protetive over the chicks i had to catch the chicks to get them over the stream and she went mental she ripped my skin open she flapped at me and chased me. When i went up today Melow was happily free ranging with the other hens, she was not worried about the chicks, and when i took them for feeding she saw them and pointed out bits of food and then i took the chicks away with the orp to a bowl of chick crumb and she wasn't the slightest bit bothered.
and if Melow is 100% not going back to her chicks, she best get her laying shoes back on.

So sorry - sounds like she's behaving very laid back about the whole broody thing. How old are the babies now? Sorry about the injuries - my Snow White (WL) got me good the other day. I guess it was in retaliation for this...

Tried to put some BlueKote on her rooster scratches - and she and I both got covered in the stuff.
2 of our hens recently turned Broody and hatched 3 chicks, we removed them from the flock just to be safe(they were very protective of the chicks), when we put them together in a separate coop and they attacked each others chicks, we have since separated them in the other coop so they couldn't see each other and everything since seems to be fine. Long and short my little experience with this, I would defiantly separate them for all of there safety, so far so good.

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