Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Silky eggs are smaller and dark enough they can be a challenge. I look to see if they are clear by day 7. If not, I assume the chick is growing. Then on day 14 I check to see if there is a big dark area, if so I know the chick is growing. On day 17 I leave the hen and eggs alone until after hatch. On day 25 I remove the unhatched and discard without looking inside.
she has been on them only 4 days they look clear I can only see shadow of the yoke is this how they should be right now? Bella my silkie is sitting on them all the time have not seen her off of them. 2 eggs are white silkie & rooster is buff orpington hope chicks are cute other egg is a buff NN & same rooster.

someone wants to give me some eggs they have to ship em can I put these under my hen?
So today is day 7 or day six not sure how to count , but we got these eggs last Friday from a gal and I went home and put them right under her, tonight I candled and what I saw was some looked like day 6/7 but some looked like day 10 . Also no blood ring in three, but nothing in them nada so I tossed them. On three of the eggs I saw the big dark spot, and veins, but they were much bigger then some and do chickens roll around in the egg? So she had 8, a mysterious one showed up before I could mark them, as there became nine eggs lol , so we marked them all and I believe that one of the empty eggs with nothing in it was mine, ( no rooster ) I'm thrilled as the ones that were good so far are white eggs, does this mean I will have chickens that lay white eggs?
I put Topsy out all the way up until day 17 then I left her alone. I figure that's when I'm supposed to stop turning eggs, raise the humidity, and leave the bator closed, so I stop messing with the hens then too. They are after all little bators. :)

This time I haven't put Bunny out and she's managed to get out on her own. I even caught her running around with the gang the other day. But she didn't stay out long.

Would it be ok to candle again on day 17 or just leave them alone & keep my fingers crossed?

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