Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

In lock down guys! Friday and Saturday I should have some white silkies hatching. By the way I'm looking for some white silkie hens if anyone knows of any for sale. I would keep some of these babies but it'd be my luck if end up with all roosters like I usually do lol

my silkie hen with 7 babies: 1 ameracauna, 2 frizzles, 1 SLW, 1 cochin, 1 silkie mix, and 1 ameracauna mix!

Well, I guess I will give an update. On day 10 my broody was off the nest when I got home and broke one of her eggs . The other 7 eggs felt cool but not cold. (We have been having nice weather lately, in the 70's during the day) My broody was out in the yard cleaning herself and stretching. I let her stay off for 15 minutes then I took her back to her nest and she settle right down on the eggs. While she was off I grabbed two eggs and candled them. One looked clear but didn't stink and the other had air sack and seemed developed but my flash light wasn't very good so I just put both back under her. I didn't see her off her nest for the next 7 days. Then on Tuesday (day 16) I got the bright idea to clean the coop for the soon to be new arrivals. My broody is sitting in a raised nest box that is about 18 - 24" off the floor. She didn't seem phased by me cleaning and continued to sit on her nest. Then yesterday (day 17) I get home from work and again she was off her nest out in the yard cleaning herself and sun bathing. I immediately check her eggs and again they were cool. She had broke and ate 3 eggs and there were now only 4 left. The nest she was in was a mess but the eggs weren't too bad so I moved the eggs to a nest box on the ground. I got the broody and showed her the eggs in the new nest box on the ground and she immediately rearranged the eggs and settle down onto them. I went back out at dusk to shut the chickens in and the broody was up on the roost. So I took her to her nest again and again she nestled down onto the eggs. I was fully prepared for her to be off the nest again this morning but instead she had rearranged her area during the night and was setting contently so I left her be. I'm thinking she will probably be back off this afternoon but I will have to wait and see. If she is, then I will take the eggs from her and let her go about her business and hopefully we can try again at a later date. I'm pretty bummed that she went 17 days and now may be thinking of giving up but she is young. She is only about 9 months old and had only be laying for a couple of months when she went broody so maybe next time she will be better at it.
one egg was out from under her today put it hadn't been out for long because it was still warmish so I put it back under and marked it so I know something's wrong if it is out again but I heard sometimes broodies don't sit on a egg at all from a few mins. She got off the nest and the other eggs were really warm and she had a dust bath :)
I have chicks!!!!!!! Yaaaay :) day 23 on broody #1....lots of chirping from the kennel where she is.... but she won't let me see them yet... so no pics yet. She had 12 eggs from my mixed layers, so I am curious to see who hatches!! Ummm I'll be spending lots of time in the coop today :)

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