Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Oh how cute! Mine should begin hatching today but most likely tomorrow! I'm so excited I can hardly wait. I have to go to a wedding late this afternoon about 50 miles away and I'm bumming because I'd rather be here. You know you're a chicken addict when....... LOL!
This is fantastic! I've tried so many things with this girl and nothing has worked. This was amazing with her!! She was calm, quiet, and didn't react at all!! You are my hero!!
OK so I don't know what you are doing--I didn't understand about the cream cheese container. Can you post a pic or describe it in detail please? Why are you using it? Thank you!!
OK so I been posting in the June Hatcha long... Maybe I should be posting to this thread?--
So... outa 8 eggs that made it to lockdown-- 4 fluffy butts (so tiny and lively)- of the remainder-- 2 green stinky inside eggs and 3 underdeveolped (I didnt mark the eggs til a week into it and 2 look to be a week behind, one not marked, must have been snuck in there by a sneaky hen-- looks to be day5 or so)...
So 50% hatch rate... Is that normal-- its ours (and the hens) first chicks... we dont have an incubator....

Also my 10 yr old is watching them for me over the weekend-- they are up tight in a nest box in the coop(born Th June20) and she put food and water in there for them-- mama was sure thirsty.... and babies are chowing down.... I am away in town for work....
OK so I been posting in the June Hatcha long... Maybe I should be posting to this thread?--
So... outa 8 eggs that made it to lockdown-- 4 fluffy butts (so tiny and lively)- of the remainder-- 2 green stinky inside eggs and 3 underdeveolped (I didnt mark the eggs til a week into it and 2 look to be a week behind, one not marked, must have been snuck in there by a sneaky hen-- looks to be day5 or so)...
So 50% hatch rate... Is that normal-- its ours (and the hens) first chicks... we dont have an incubator....

Also my 10 yr old is watching them for me over the weekend-- they are up tight in a nest box in the coop(born Th June20) and she put food and water in there for them-- mama was sure thirsty.... and babies are chowing down.... I am away in town for work....
Mine start in a nesting box, then mama and babies come down and make a nest in the deep litter on the floor where I have a food/water station set up for them (which the rest of the flock uses, too, even though they have their own outside. Opportunists!) I'm on my third broody with chicks and it is working great. I took apart an old cat-carrier and used the top and the bottom as separate little nesting boxes on the floor with hay in them. Sometimes they choose to be in there and sometimes they just snuggle on the floor. If they come down, it's normal. Still takes a couple days after that to brave going out into the run outside. I think your hatch rate is GREAT for the first clutch! Mine was 4/7 and then 1 died unexpectedly two days later. But that was my third broody clutch. My first two were all duds (either just rotten eggs or died during development--for those two I just adopted some babies from a local chickener and they are also doing great). Isn't this so much FUN!?!?!
Mine start in a nesting box, then mama and babies come down and make a nest in the deep litter on the floor where I have a food/water station set up for them (which the rest of the flock uses, too, even though they have their own outside. Opportunists!) I'm on my third broody with chicks and it is working great. I took apart an old cat-carrier and used the top and the bottom as separate little nesting boxes on the floor with hay in them. Sometimes they choose to be in there and sometimes they just snuggle on the floor. If they come down, it's normal. Still takes a couple days after that to brave going out into the run outside. I think your hatch rate is GREAT for the first clutch! Mine was 4/7 and then 1 died unexpectedly two days later. But that was my third broody clutch. My first two were all duds (either just rotten eggs or died during development--for those two I just adopted some babies from a local chickener and they are also doing great). Isn't this so much FUN!?!?!

Well my plan was similar! Set up on the floor of the coop with deep litter ( I have an upside down cardboard box with a hole in the side, filled with straw)-- they are down already ... my child is also micromanaging them (sigh I am out of town, but I think its better for her in the long run to develop an attachment to them)....
This is FUN! (but nerve wracking we are prone to too much interference over here in our Household!!!)-- I am thinking about leaving the next Broody in the bushes with her clutch (our big dogs roam about and keep away predators)....
OK so I don't know what you are doing--I didn't understand about the cream cheese container. Can you post a pic or describe it in detail please? Why are you using it? Thank you!!

Agnes, my broody, is evil if you try to go near her to look at her eggs. She will peck you, stomp on the eggs, etc to get you to leave her alone. This behavior has made it difficult for us to move any eggs that were not placed under her, since she is terrible about stealing other eggs and adding them to her clutch. We have tried every suggestion from everyone we know to figure out how to check the eggs.
Today we took out a plastic container that was taller than it was long and with an opening about 3-4 inches on the top. Just a simple plastic container that was big enough to fit over her head, and long enough to hold down over her if she stretched her neck out. We placed it on her head and scooped her up at the same time. Easy as pie! She didn't fuss one little bit and we were able to count the eggs. AMAZING!! :celebrate
well another broody hen .. I had 3 so far this month well one last month but they did not hatch and one died so she found a new nest with 2 silkie eggs and then my other hen she stopped going broody because she was attacked and she has a huge gash on her from the attack so she stopped trying to hatch babies and now I have corrella my polish .. has anyone here ever had a polish go broody and if you did are they good broodies ??

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