Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Can't believe how fast that chick is growing.......

Good Mama there....................
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My broody BR just hatched one chick. One egg wasn't fertile and one got crushed Sunday :( She is in the coop with everyone and I have no where to put her and the chick. My coop is 3 ft up and I'm concerned about the chick getting in and out. I was considering moving them into a big plastic cat litter tub and placing it under the coop. Any thoughts?
I just put food and water in the coop for the first couple weeks until the chicks are big enough to navigate to the outside stuff....but mine isn't 3 ft up either.
My broody BR just hatched one chick.  One egg wasn't fertile and one got crushed Sunday :(  She is in the coop with everyone and I have no where to put her and the chick. My coop is 3 ft up and I'm concerned about the chick getting in and out.  I was considering moving them into a big plastic cat litter tub and placing it under the coop.  Any thoughts?
because she only has one chick to protect she may be ok in with the others. Can they sleep in a nest box till the baby can fly? My momma stayed in the nest box for a couple days. I put a cat carrier in my coop for them to sleep after the first few days. How big if a tub? Momma will want to be walking around and scratching and a tub will probably be too small.
The tub woun't be to lock them in. More like a nice snug nest box under the coop where the little one can get to the food easy. I'm not sure momma will take to a move though..
Ok. I have a question. I have a baby chick that just hatched out under my broody today. It was from a batch of assorted purebred eggs I bought online. It was supposed to be a black ameraucana chick but it hatched out lavender. I wrote the seller and she said she had removed her black hens from her white rooster for two weeks before she sent the eggs but maybe the white ameraucana rooster was the father and that is why the chick is lavender. I am kinda new to raising chickens but I thought lavender was not a color cross between white and black? The chick has a nice beard and muff it was just a surprise about the color. What do y'all think?
Chick feathering can be deceiving too. Look at Australorps, they don't start out black at all. They're little yellow and dark grey penguins. Your chick may still grow up to be black

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