Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Quick question.... do rats pose a threat to the muma chicken or her babies/eggs? We have a rat problem here (catch at least 1-2 /day in a rat zapper...they outsmart normal rat traps!) I was worried about them getting in to her... I'm hoping she'd peck them if they did...but I'm not sure if they are destructive/eat at chickens or their eggs alive or anything like that?

I have put snake wire around her mini pen to prevent them getting in..but if they REALLY wanted to..they'd probably be able to climb in the top. I used to find the fake plastic eggs in the big pen out of the nest with chew marks on them.. so I thought something...rat or even perhaps possums like to eat eggs?

Here in Pennsylvania, US.... rats will definitely eat eggs or even chicks if they can access them, they would probably scare a hen off of the nest pretty easily too, especially if she's not a dominate hen or an aggressive broody. If you have a known problem with aggressive rats I would do whatever I could to reinforce her nesting area to keep her and the eggs/peeps safe for at least a short while after they hatch and at night when they are on the nest. Once the broody has them out and about there is very little you can do other than hope she is willing to fight off any rats that bother her or the babies.

Edit to add.... around here there are also snakes and possums and raccoons that can be threats to eggs and even adult birds, let alone peeps, you may not notice an occasional egg go missing from a snake but you will if it gets one of the broody's eggs. Not to make you paranoid, just another thing to mention can be a risk to mamma and chicks.
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Thankyou for your info fisherlady! =) so far I'm confident about her current pen setup, although I might fill in some of the cage i missed with more snake wire just to be sure absolutely nothing can squeeze in! We also don't have to worry about raccoons here thats for sure (I'm in Australia) And my yard is next to a main road to keep snakes away. Just possums, rats and also even bandicoots I have to really worry about ^_^;... oh and the evil sausage dog next door that kills chickens....I'll have to be extra secure with the pen run when the little ones hatch so they don't escape and squeeze under the fence!
Just possums, rats and also even bandicoots I have to really worry about ^_^;... oh and the evil sausage dog next door that kills chickens....I'll have to be extra secure with the pen run when the little ones hatch so they don't escape and squeeze under the fence!

We have 'hardware cloth' here in the States. It is a heavier gauge wire with much closer spacing (you can get it in 1/4 or 1/2 inch spacing). We placed it at ground level all around the inside of the chicken's run fencing (we got it in 24"x25ft rolls) to prevent the babies from getting out through and to prevent anything from reaching in and getting them.
I started my own little thread to keep track of my girls first hatching progress > https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/845455/kaz-gets-to-be-a-muma and was then linked here!

In short, the story is: Kaz is a very broody bantom X something (mystery chicken) she's the only one who's been broody of all the chooks I've ever had in 4 years, and she started being broody at only 6 months of age!

I tried to break her out multiple times, but she's soon back to broodiness within a week anyway. We decided we'd give her some eggs to hatch so she can finally be a muma! (she is now 11 months old!)

We ended up giving her 11 eggs from a breeding farm nearby, all Pekin bantom eggs. (we even got the choice to pick and choose colours as they were kept separately by colour and type!) Ended up getting a few of all of them..mainly because there wasnt many eggs in each pen! =) The parent birds are SO CUTE! I can't wait to see the babies!

I put the eggs near her yesterday and let her put them under herself. They'll be due not long before Kaz's 1st birthday! (She and the others were all put in an incubator on the 1/1/13) And her eggs were put in yesterday, 30/12/13!

^ This is when we gave her the eggs! She put them all underneath herself =D

I guess I can update again when I candle the eggs progress and when they are due to hatch! *looking forward to it!*

Looking forward to updates (and pics, pretty please????).
I'll follow your thread. =)
Hello all happy new yr!!

I'm thinking for spring time, I have silkies who sit so well and are amazing mums!! Is there other bantams who would sit well and make good mums?

Thank you
Day 2! This is her 2nd clutch, last time she went broody was in August. She's a great mama, not even 1 year old yet.
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