Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Ok, thank you! Mine isn't glued to the nest yet. Although she seems to be going back to it more each day.

That's a good sign. I didn't really pay attention to mine, I just noticed that my other girls never pecked at me before & then one night I went to close up the coop & forgot to collect the eggs earlier. it was really dark so i couldn't see... her growl was a little startling lol
Just be careful when moving her around while she's brooding. Mine protested, growled, pecked (gently of course) & when she realized none of this was working she waited until my hand was under her & she pooped all over it! Shaking her little tail feathers as if she was saying "how do ya like that?! If I can't have my eggs, NO ONE can..". Good thing no poop got on the eggs. Lol


Yeah, but we're talking about feed store white Leghorns, so it would be a miracle of God for me to have the one in the entire county that went broody.
I do have some gold sex links (I think it's gold, might be red; they're gold Comets), anyway, I'm hoping the Orpington in them kicks in with one of them. =D
Yeah, she's a banty, I think she's waiting for spring, but the rooster has been showing interest; of course she's playing hard to get (only she's playing impossible to get). lol

Yay!!!  Pics, please!!! :drool :pop :love  

I'll have to get more pics tomorrow, all I posted so far were the 4 pics (post #19758) it was just too cold today... Down in the teens, tomorrow will be 45* high... I really hate this drastic change of temps. I've been sick going on 3 weeks now, feels like I'm getting over it but my neck is hurting again like I'm getting it all over again.

A broody comet would be totally cool
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That's a good sign. I didn't really pay attention to mine, I just noticed that my other girls never pecked at me before & then one night I went to close up the coop & forgot to collect the eggs earlier. it was really dark so i couldn't see... her growl was a little startling lol
Just be careful when moving her around while she's brooding. Mine protested, growled, pecked (gently of course) & when she realized none of this was working she waited until my hand was under her & she pooped all over it! Shaking her little tail feathers as if she was saying "how do ya like that?! If I can't have my eggs, NO ONE can..". Good thing no poop got on the eggs. Lol

Haha, I will make sure I don't get popped on! I will have to post about her tomorrow. ;)

Even if I didn't collect the eggs for a day, there would only be 0 or 1 eggs there lol :p
Haha, I will make sure I don't get popped on! I will have to post about her tomorrow. ;)

Even if I didn't collect the eggs for a day, there would only be 0 or 1 eggs there lol :p

My broody only sits on one egg, but I always put more under her, to increase her chances of them hatching. I think she would be the type of hen that would sit until the bitter end. Keep us posted! If it has been awhile send me a message letting me know your hen has gone broody I'll follow along this thread :D
Love first time broodies!
My broody only sits on one egg, but I always put more under her, to increase her chances of them hatching. I think she would be the type of hen that would sit until the bitter end. Keep us posted! If it has been awhile send me a message letting me know your hen has gone broody I'll follow along this thread :D
Love first time broodies!

Will do!

Luna, was in the nesting box this morning covering the golf balls. But she did get out to get food. I left before she finished eating. So I'm not sure if she returned the box. I will have to check on her later ;).
I gave my broody 8 eggs on the 21... 1st timer and she has been glued to the eggs! Hope all goes well. She is like a possessed chicken when anything comes near her! It's kind of crazy to see her in action!
I gave my broody 8 eggs on the 21... 1st timer and she has been glued to the eggs! Hope all goes well. She is like a possessed chicken when anything comes near her! It's kind of crazy to see her in action!

Good luck! Can't wait to see pics!
Well, 5 out of 7 hatched, I did an eggtopsy, one probably quit at day 10-12 & the other only had a little more yolk to absorb. I think she stopped sitting today, it may have hatched tonight or tomorrow if it had a chance :-/ she really sat on it 4 days after the first hatch, so I really think she tried her best. I separated one, I got him all by himself, I'm afraid to put him back, looks like he got pecked on his beak, & he can't stand up right

Doing all I can to make him comfy, got a stuffed animal & mirror, but no one near me has 1-2 chicks available. It would be a miracle if I could find someone lol
Luna still isn't completely sitting. She gets out during the day, returns to the nest at night. And she didn't like it when I gathered a egg from the other nest box.
That's a good sign. I didn't really pay attention to mine, I just noticed that my other girls never pecked at me before & then one night I went to close up the coop & forgot to collect the eggs earlier. it was really dark so i couldn't see... her growl was a little startling lol
Just be careful when moving her around while she's brooding. Mine protested, growled, pecked (gently of course) & when she realized none of this was working she waited until my hand was under her & she pooped all over it! Shaking her little tail feathers as if she was saying "how do ya like that?! If I can't have my eggs, NO ONE can..". Good thing no poop got on the eggs. Lol
I'll have to get more pics tomorrow, all I posted so far were the 4 pics (post #19758) it was just too cold today... Down in the teens, tomorrow will be 45* high... I really hate this drastic change of temps. I've been sick going on 3 weeks now, feels like I'm getting over it but my neck is hurting again like I'm getting it all over again.

A broody comet would be totally cool

I saw them:)

I'm sorry, you're sick for so long. A friend of mine was sick for like a month or something. :(
I hope you feel better son! (hugs)

Yeah, I hope someone does.
Are they probe to going broody?
Well, 5 out of 7 hatched, I did an eggtopsy, one probably quit at day 10-12 & the other only had a little more yolk to absorb. I think she stopped sitting today, it may have hatched tonight or tomorrow if it had a chance :-/ she really sat on it 4 days after the first hatch, so I really think she tried her best. I separated one, I got him all by himself, I'm afraid to put him back, looks like he got pecked on his beak, & he can't stand up right

Doing all I can to make him comfy, got a stuffed animal & mirror, but no one near me has 1-2 chicks available. It would be a miracle if I could find someone lol

I wish you the best with him!

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