Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

can you put a top of some kind on it so she can't jump out? more than likely she'll stay on the eggs. Could you have heard the chick peeping inside the egg because you can hear them from inside the egg. when and if you move her look at all the eggs also listen to them. Do you have any bird netting? that makes a good cover, then just put something around the bottom to hold the netting down.
Well, broody #2 for me is on day 15 or so and I have a pip in the incubator. First two chicks to dry and fluff will go under her at night and I'll keep my fingers crossed. If she takes them, I'll try and give her a few more, but I don't want to risk all the chicks.

Broody #1 and chicks are doing fabulous - they are running all over the lawn today eating bugs and other goodies. My 8 month old pullet is a very good mommy!
About broody #2 I think its still early to put some chicks from your incubator under her.You say its day 15 for her.I think that 3 weeks must past and then you can put some.I am not sure though.
I know, I am risking it only because she has no real eggs to sit on (the eggs she tried to sit on were broken) and my only other option is to order more chicks in another few weeks or to start her again on 21 days. I may do one of those things if she won't accept these chicks - I'll be watching very closely!
Hi Lydia

There was a cracked egg shell underneath her. I do hqve some netting that I will use to protect her....good call. I have been leaving her food and water so she doesnt have to move from her eggs.

The things we do for chickens, eh?
featherz if you put chicks under your# 2 broody and she still has 6 days to go on the eggs under her, she might leave them to take care of her new chicks. great news about your little hen though. aren't they fun to watch.
featherz if you put chicks under your# 2 broody and she still has 6 days to go on the eggs under her, she might leave them to take care of her new chicks. great news about your little hen though. aren't they fun to watch.

I was posting when you were. she'll take them they don't count the days just go by the peeping, so she'll be a new mommy in the morning yippee
I guess that is probably what has happened. I will put some netting over her nesting box and go from there. If she will let me transport her to the brooder, where I have 4 other chicks, then I will try that option as well. Fingers Crossed
I hope these pictures work out, these 2 chicks were hatched yesterday and we had another white one this morning. 3 eggs left to hatch, keeping our fingers crossed. These are our silkies, roo is a splash, what color do you think the darker one will be?




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