Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I feel bad.....It frosted here this morning and I was complaining! I would REALLY have a fit to wake up to snow everywhere. If I had known the weather was going to be like this I probably would not have let her hatch out eggs. I hope the chicks ....IF they EVER hatch..... will be ok with the cold nights. I know the broody should sit on them and keep them warm. She has never been a mother before so I do not know how she is going do as a mother. I guess I can take them from her if problems arise and raise them myself under the heat lamp. But I really do not want to, I just got 6 chicks out of garage a week ago. My husband would have a FIT!
Topsy's last clutch is now 21 weeks old. I had guessed it was two cockerels and two pullets. Sadly I'll never know about one because it just vanished without a clue. I think some large black birds were the culprits.

Today confirmed the sex of the three remaining chicks. I knew one was a cockerel because he had been crowing. Well just saw the other suspected cockerel crowing too and he tried to mount the suspected pullet. So there you go. :(

I'm rehoming my roosters but I'll keep Topsy's pullet. Maybe she will be as good a sitter as her momma had been. I'm still kicking myself for giving her away. :/
I feel bad.....It frosted here this morning and I was complaining! I would REALLY have a fit to wake up to snow everywhere. If I had known the weather was going to be like this I probably would not have let her hatch out eggs. I hope the chicks ....IF they EVER hatch..... will be ok with the cold nights. I know the broody should sit on them and keep them warm. She has never been a mother before so I do not know how she is going do as a mother. I guess I can take them from her if problems arise and raise them myself under the heat lamp. But I really do not want to, I just got 6 chicks out of garage a week ago. My husband would have a FIT!
Hopefully your mama hen will be a wonderful mama, most are. and as far as temps go those chicks will be tough lil buggers, and will be fine. I'm glad this snow will be gone by next week because theres no way they could even think about bringing chicks out in this they lose them as soon as they hit the ground, lol I can see lil tunnels all over the yard like moles make.
Topsy's last clutch is now 21 weeks old. I had guessed it was two cockerels and two pullets. Sadly I'll never know about one because it just vanished without a clue. I think some large black birds were the culprits.

Today confirmed the sex of the three remaining chicks. I knew one was a cockerel because he had been crowing. Well just saw the other suspected cockerel crowing too and he tried to mount the suspected pullet. So there you go.

I'm rehoming my roosters but I'll keep Topsy's pullet. Maybe she will be as good a sitter as her momma had been. I'm still kicking myself for giving her away.
Aww bobbies I'm sorry to hear you gave Topsy away, it's always a bummer when we regret something after the fact. I have done that myself. Thats why I still have 3 drakes instead of 1. lol
I know Topsy is doing well. She's also going to be a great broody for her new family. I wouldn't ask for her back, but I do miss her.

Bunny is faithfully sitting on her two remaining eggs. Due to hatch April 3rd.
I know how you feel I rehomed 2 horses when we moved. One of them we had for 10 years or more. It is really difficult to get over it. Knowing that the animal is ok and happy sure does help. I still think about them often and hope they are doing well.
Praying for your heart to heal and wholeness for your soul. If the bird is happy in her new home, you did the right thing. As animal keepers it is difficult but some times difficult decisions have to be made.
I know Topsy is doing well. She's also going to be a great broody for her new family. I wouldn't ask for her back, but I do miss her.

Bunny is faithfully sitting on her two remaining eggs. Due to hatch April 3rd.
Would you have her back if they wanted rid of her??
Oh, thanks for saying it! Other people seemed to be pretty negative about poop on the eggs so I was thinking she may be doing all that sitting for nothing!
I need some help. This is the first time we've had a hen "Go Broody" and, of course, we are having a cold, snowy spring. We have also been raising chickens for about 3 years now so we are very inexperienced. We've only purchased chicks at the farm store or mail order.

We had one chick hatch 4 days ago but it died. It looked like there was a bit of blood from the egg membrane on it's leg (There weren't any pecking marks or anything). I'm guessing that it had trouble hatching and didn't separate from the membrane properly. Our hen REALLY didn't want me to take that chick away!

She is still setting on 3 other eggs. I have candled them and there appears to be development so I'm not sure what to do. This is what I'm thinking...
These eggs are not likely to hatch healthy chicks so I may want to take them from her.
Since she's still in the mood to brood, I thought I'd start her with a fresh clutch of eggs and fresh nest material.
I may also add another heat lamp to the coop. (right now the 5'x7' uninsulated coop has 1-250 watt heat lamp right over the nest box, about 3 feet up.)

The hen that's broody is a Speckled Sussex who just turned one year old. I didn't know if it's the cold spring, inexperienced mother, inadequate nesting material (she keeps picking the hay out), or something else. She's been very good to sit on the eggs for long periods. I'd really love to have a successful brood so if there are any suggestions, I'd love to hear from you.

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