Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Hi all,
I'm dealing with my first broody. She's been sitting for about 3 days now so I know she's not quitting. Yesterday I tried to mark the eggs she's sitting on (they are fertile) however she attacked me when I tried to grab one (it was at night too, the only light was a flashlight). What's the best way to mark the eggs so I can remove the fresh ones everyday?
To minimize the disruption from other hens laying in the nest and the need to search the nest daily, I have found it easier to move the eggs and hen to a separate brooder pen. It could be as simple as a dog crate, but somewhere she can safely brood in peace. Be sure she has food and water in with her.
My broody Jersey is the same story 3 times. She sits for a week or so then she starts breaking them when she moves and its all over. Her incubator hatched girls just started to lay small dark brown eggs with really thick shells. I thought they had stopped but I realized I had not seen her in some time. Sure enough, she was sitting on them, she was in a corner behind some cardboard. NOT THIS TIME! I pulled the eggs and got a peck but it's obvious she can't brood eggs and she refuses to sit on fake ones so I could give her chicks just to get this out of her head.
Hi all,
I'm dealing with my first broody. She's been sitting for about 3 days now so I know she's not quitting. Yesterday I tried to mark the eggs she's sitting on (they are fertile) however she attacked me when I tried to grab one (it was at night too, the only light was a flashlight). What's the best way to mark the eggs so I can remove the fresh ones everyday?
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My buff orp does not seem to be getting any tamer I got her at 14 weeks and we are now on week 17 any tips/advise

I've had my BO since she was a couple of days old, and she isn't the slightest bit friendly. Not typical, I guess. Marlena got friendlier when I rescued her chick from another hen right after it was hatched and moved her and her eggs to a different place where they would be safe. I have a Campine that wouldn't let me near her (again, acquired as a day old chick) until she started squatting, and all of a sudden I was her BFF. Go figure. She still hops up on my lap nearly 3 years later and is the second tamest of my hens.
Hi all,
I'm dealing with my first broody. She's been sitting for about 3 days now so I know she's not quitting. Yesterday I tried to mark the eggs she's sitting on (they are fertile) however she attacked me when I tried to grab one (it was at night too, the only light was a flashlight). What's the best way to mark the eggs so I can remove the fresh ones everyday?
They will peck at you, or at least most will. Usually if I stick my hand in there and start grabbing eggs, she'll pick at me once or twice and then get up and yell at me.
So, I just keep at it until she gets up and then I can mark them all quickly while she's off of the nest. As soon as I leave, she'll come back and rearrange everything the way she likes it.

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