Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Hi all,
Just did a quick candle while my broody was off the nest for a few minutes
Turns out one has internally pipped. I thought they weren't due to hatch until Thursday but turns out I was wrong. I have her in with my 2 other Seramas, my male and another pullet. Should I move her or leave her alone? She's actually really friendly towards me and gets up to come see me for a few seconds and then sits back down. She is a first time mom if that helps with anything.
Hi all,
Just did a quick candle while my broody was off the nest for a few minutes
Turns out one has internally pipped. I thought they weren't due to hatch until Thursday but turns out I was wrong. I have her in with my 2 other Seramas, my male and another pullet. Should I move her or leave her alone? She's actually really friendly towards me and gets up to come see me for a few seconds and then sits back down. She is a first time mom if that helps with anything.

Don't bother her if one is already pipping. She should protect them. Might want to make sure to have an incubator ready in case she leaves the nest before all of the eggs hatch. The general consensus is to be very careful (and don't unless you have to) move any of the eggs because the chicks depend on the air sac while they are breaking free of the shell and if you move them you can suffocate the chick inside the egg. Good luck and keep us posted!
It's recommended that you spray them with some water every day. Some people do that and have success and some people dont do that and still have success. So I guess its up to you :)

I think I'll skip misting, I have a feeling my hen wouldn't appreciate that very much :p
Chicken hens do a good job brooding ducklings and goslings, but they tend to freak out when their chicks go for their first swim! :)

:gig I think I'll be looking forward to seeing that!

Here's Elie Mae, diligently sitting on her duck eggs. She's doing a good job so far.
Hi all,
Just did a quick candle while my broody was off the nest for a few minutes
Turns out one has internally pipped. I thought they weren't due to hatch until Thursday but turns out I was wrong. I have her in with my 2 other Seramas, my male and another pullet. Should I move her or leave her alone? She's actually really friendly towards me and gets up to come see me for a few seconds and then sits back down. She is a first time mom if that helps with anything.

HI, My Serama hatch and raise their chicks with the flock...
Our rooster is active in teaching them to eat and drink........also sit to cover them if they cry.
Hope all goes well for you.....nothing sweeter than a Serama chick
HI, My Serama hatch and raise their chicks with the flock...
Our  rooster is active in teaching them to eat and drink........also sit to cover them if they cry.
Hope all goes well for you.....nothing sweeter than a Serama chick          

Thank you for your advice. I did end up moving my roo and my other pullet because the pullet was just beating up on my broody too much.
Does anyone have any experience in moving their broody hatched juveniles to a separate pen after they've grown up enough for momma to leave them? I moved mine yesterday evening, left the momma with them just so that they could "figure it all out" with the help of another chicken. Everyone seemed totally upset, the hens and roo that were left behind and the three in the new pen were all calling at each other and very distressed. Any ideas how to make this transition a little easier next time?
26 eggs, spread out under two broodies, set two days ago! One hen (EE) has 10, the other (giant Cochin) has 16! :eek: The EE may hatch early, she was already setting on her eggs for a few days (candling told me between two and four days) before I moved her to Broody Towers. :weee Hopefully, I'll get a good hatch- I want some birds to sell at a big show in November! So I have money to buy more birds! :p
I've only had a broody mama raise two clutches but I don't do anything to protect against coccidiosis. I take all of my chickens off of the layer feed while I have chicks in the coop (usually about 12 weeks). It doesn't seem to bother them, although I do notice that I am getting fewer eggs. I also don't use medicated chick feed, just starter/grower. I usually provide some extra electrolytes in the water for the first week, but after that they take water from the same container as everyone else. I haven't had any problems, but I don't have a large flock either.
Thanks for the info!

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