Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

so cute
i sometimes wonder if my chickens know what my camera looks like because they do such stuipd things when i have it out
Here is my other broody, Bella. She is the daughter of the one who is raising chicks now. Her eggs are due two weeks Monday and she's looking a bit unhappy already!
My broody's eggs were supposed to hatch this week.
She did lock down (no new broody poos). I started feeding and watering her right in front of her nest, so she didn't have to get up. She kept knocking the water over toward her nest.
After a couple of days, there was bloody diarrhea broody poo in the brooder. I started treating her for cocci, and continued to feed and water her where she could stay on the nest. I had to syringe water into her mouth to treat her.
Yesterday, there was a huge broody poo she was up at least once. I took her out of the nest to check if she had pooped in there and she had, so I worked on new nesting material to change it.
Today, she was walking around the brooder, so I opened it up; she fluttered to the porch rail for water, so I watered her and put some in the brooder in front of her, but she's been knocking it over yesterday and today (that's why I was having to syringe water into her mouth).
I went to change her straw in her nest and found that she had pooped in there repeatedly, so I had to change the bucket too. I ended up having to remove the eggs, so I candled them; three were not clears. She had three in the nest and two under her overturned water dish, so I put the three not clears back and kept an eye on her. She pecked one of the eggs, so I switched them for golf balls. She's now sitting like a good little broody.

I have the three apparently good eggs in the incubator.
I'm not sure what I'm asking or saying. I guess this is just an update on my broody hatch (that it's ended in miserable failure). If anyone has advice, I'd appreciate it. =)
My broody's eggs were supposed to hatch this week.
She did lock down (no new broody poos). I started feeding and watering her right in front of her nest, so she didn't have to get up. She kept knocking the water over toward her nest.
After a couple of days, there was bloody diarrhea broody poo in the brooder. I started treating her for cocci, and continued to feed and water her where she could stay on the nest. I had to syringe water into her mouth to treat her.
Yesterday, there was a huge broody poo she was up at least once. I took her out of the nest to check if she had pooped in there and she had, so I worked on new nesting material to change it.
Today, she was walking around the brooder, so I opened it up; she fluttered to the porch rail for water, so I watered her and put some in the brooder in front of her, but she's been knocking it over yesterday and today (that's why I was having to syringe water into her mouth).
I went to change her straw in her nest and found that she had pooped in there repeatedly, so I had to change the bucket too. I ended up having to remove the eggs, so I candled them; three were not clears. She had three in the nest and two under her overturned water dish, so I put the three not clears back and kept an eye on her. She pecked one of the eggs, so I switched them for golf balls. She's now sitting like a good little broody.

I have the three apparently good eggs in the incubator.
I'm not sure what I'm asking or saying. I guess this is just an update on my broody hatch (that it's ended in miserable failure). If anyone has advice, I'd appreciate it. =)

The only bit of advice I've got is to switch the broody's water and feed dish to one meant for cats or small dogs. I used my cat's old feeder station, which I bought from Walmart, but you could probably find something similar from many pet stores. It has a base which is darn near untippable, and holds two small stainless steel bowls. I put broody's food and water in that and she never tipped it once for three whole weeks. And she ate! Oh boy! Did she eat! LOL.

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