Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


4 down...2 more to go. (Then the wait for 2 more broodies...ugh...I'm fixing to have chicks running out my ears)

4 down...2 more to go. (Then the wait for 2 more broodies...ugh...I'm fixing to have chicks running out my ears)
lol's don't feel bad it's not hard to do.
i only wanted 6-8 chickens when i started one for each person in the house plus two for fun breeds for me. Well long story short it took me 6 months for me to get chickens after everything that could have gone wrong did. And even through i have 14 no name breeds i'm happy i finally have chickens
It's called chicken math.  Have three, make 21, have 24, make 50.....on and on it goes!  Hopefully you have a big place.  :clap

I do, but this heifer got the other 2 going. I have 2 family members wanting chix, so they won't stay for long. But if by the off chance they DO stay, at least I won't be down to 2 eating eggs a day if 2 or 3 go broody at the same time. Go from having one problem (too many eggs and can't get rid of them so I thinned my flock to 6) to having another (everyone else stops laying eggs to try to hatch eggs) to another (a lot of chix to brood)
lol's don't feel bad it's not hard to do. :thumbsup  i only wanted 6-8 chickens when i started one for each person in the house plus two for fun breeds for me. Well long story short it took me 6 months  for me to get chickens after everything that could have gone wrong did. And even through i have 14 no name breeds i'm happy i finally have chickens 

That's me. Wanted 1. Can't buy just 1 so we bought 6. Full blown addict after that buying 10 more. Too many eggs. Down to 6. Not enough eggs. Up to...Lord I don't know how many...lol. Every one of them mutts...lmbo
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I do, but this heifer got the other 2 going. I have 2 family members wanting chix, so they won't stay for long. But if by the off chance they DO stay, at least I won't be down to 2 eating eggs a day if 2 or 3 go broody at the same time. Go from having one problem (too many eggs and can't get rid of them so I thinned my flock to 6) to having another (everyone else stops laying eggs to try to hatch eggs) to another (a lot of chix to brood)
i didn't think much of it when my grams 25-30 hens started to brood at the same time. it was normal for me to see her few hundred chicks every spring when i started reshearching the proper way to raise chickens i realized that grams's way was nothing like any book i had ever read and her chickens did very well for the time being. i don't miss the work but oh the memories

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