Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Homicidal Mama is a mean broody. Her given name was Lucy But she earned her name when she was hatching her first clutch and as soon as they started to move she freaked out and pecked them open. This time around I only gave her 3 eggs and I go out and check on them daily. She is not thrilled with this but as long as I block her beak I am not attacked!
Your black chick may be a Silkie! (or Silkie mix if they were mix eggs)
Sounds negligent not knowing my chicks breeds but whatever they are they will be taken care of well(until the end, that is). And I hate the thought of buggin these people again to ask what laid the white egg. Wouldn't a Silkie be fluffy, tho? Haven't looked in "its" mouth yet but want to be sure the inside isn't black, also!
Awe how sad, but lovely picture of momma chicken with baby duck

Mother and baby are so pretty, but im sorry you lost the others. I know how it feels.

I have four little bantam cochin babies... they came out of the nest today.....one egg did not hatch.
Sounds negligent not knowing my chicks breeds but whatever they are they will be taken care of well(until the end, that is). And I hate the thought of buggin these people again to ask what laid the white egg. Wouldn't a Silkie be fluffy, tho? Haven't looked in "its" mouth yet but want to be sure the inside isn't black, also!

At first their down is like a regular chick's. When they start to get their feathers they will look "stringy looking," not smooth like the others.

Check the number of toes that it has.
Well the rats managed to get in and take my last duckling. I honestly hate them things. Despite their being poison and traps set, they still got the little baby. They've completely destroyed two of my sheds, both I can't afford to replace. They've left me with one shed which they're working on. Got the first time in ages, I literally don't know what I'm going to do.
Broody hatches(3) 5 days old and out in their first rain!They struggled up the ramp to get in with mama BO and happily fluffed inside. My dog has been sleeping in an area just inside shed thats seperated by chic wire. Hes deaf as a rock but loves "working" at night and I DO feel he may discourage the raccoon mamas out looking for food currently. I may try to work the youngsters into the main flock much sooner than other chicks that have been broody hatched here.

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