Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I would say that a snake could get in. But we are never really missing any of the eggs the rest of the girls are laying. Also her comb has turned a pale pink from the normal red it usually is. Is this normal for a broody hen?
We had a snake that bothered only one nest, and only every three or four days, but then he'd eat a bunch. And he'd have eaten the chicks, too, once they hatched. Here he is, full of 6 eggs, about to get deported to the forest. Can you move that broody, or snake proof the coop she is in now, without bothering her? (I ended up wallpapering the little coop with canvas, and the hen didn't care, but she is a Brahma that was raised by hand, so she is super calm and used to being handled.)
Sad update:

Well. I had a dream last night that one of the eggs got crushed. Low and behold, one of my 100% good eggs got stepped on and crushed. Thanks Cinderella, I guess dreams do come true.

Anyway, my poor broody is now all sticky underneath, and the other eggs, too. I have 5 eggs left. We will see what happens. If I don't get any chicks, I'll have to wait to order some next spring, or wait till she or one of the other hens goes broody again.
My broody broke one of her eggs last week. I wiped all of the sticky eggs down with warm water with a tiny bit of dawn in it and replaced the straw in the nest. One of the eggs is pipping right now, so I am hopeful for the rest of them! Good luck!
Hi everybody,
This is such a great thread. I have a question though. I have 2 broody hens and I decided to put eggs under each of them. They are doing an amazing job, but the more I read this thread, the more I realize I made a mistake. I left them in with the general population. The girls are on day 6 of sitting. Do you think I should attempt to move them to their own pens or just let them be? This is my first time trying a broody hen and I don't know how they react to being moved once they have settled in Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hi everybody,
This is such a great thread.  I have a question though.  I have 2 broody hens and I decided to put eggs under each of them.  They are doing an amazing job, but the more I read this thread, the more I realize I made a mistake.  I left them in with the general population.  The girls are on day 6 of sitting.  Do you think I should attempt to move them to their own pens or just let them be?  This is my first time trying a broody hen and I don't know how they react to being moved once they have settled in  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!:idunno

I moved mine , they did fine. You should candle those eggs, chances are other hens went in put their eggs in too. U don't want a staggered hatch
Hi everybody,
This is such a great thread.  I have a question though.  I have 2 broody hens and I decided to put eggs under each of them.  They are doing an amazing job, but the more I read this thread, the more I realize I made a mistake.  I left them in with the general population.  The girls are on day 6 of sitting.  Do you think I should attempt to move them to their own pens or just let them be?  This is my first time trying a broody hen and I don't know how they react to being moved once they have settled in  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!:idunno

I'm very new (only have 3 broodies) my first one wouldn't let her move her until she was really into it about 1 week in. Then she let me move her no problem at dark. I hadn't given her the fertile eggs before I had her moved tho. When I did try the first 2 times she wouldn't have it and went right back on her original nest. So maybe even if she doesn't like the move she will stay broody just in her original spot. A lot if people also leave them in with the group. I have one now that is kind of 50/50 with mine. She is in a dog house by the roosts. So everyone goes in there at night of lock down. She has babies with her now and no one cares a bit. Also my other broody that was removed is back with the group along with her 3 little ones. So depending on your birds they should be just fine. Sorry this is kind of long, hope it makes since, and good luck!
Hey guys I have a question. I'm buying 7 chicks the same day I'm having 5 eggs hatch. Question is, will I need a heat lamp in the brooder, or will mama be able to take care of and warm up 12 chicks? She's a medium sized buff Orpington.
Hi everybody,
This is such a great thread. I have a question though. I have 2 broody hens and I decided to put eggs under each of them. They are doing an amazing job, but the more I read this thread, the more I realize I made a mistake. I left them in with the general population. The girls are on day 6 of sitting. Do you think I should attempt to move them to their own pens or just let them be? This is my first time trying a broody hen and I don't know how they react to being moved once they have settled in Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
I have done both with success so it's really up to you and your flock dynamics.

If you have a way to block off the nests they are sitting in when the chicks start to hatch (to keep nosey hens from disturbing them) and the coop is safe for chicks then I would leave them where they are. You will have to keep an eye on the flock the first few days and make sure that the broodies are protecting the chicks and are able to get them to food and water safely. I'd have a "backup" coop/pen ready just in case but most times the Mamas will take care of everything.

Hey guys I have a question. I'm buying 7 chicks the same day I'm having 5 eggs hatch. Question is, will I need a heat lamp in the brooder, or will mama be able to take care of and warm up 12 chicks? She's a medium sized buff Orpington.
She should be able to cover 12 chicks - no heat lamp needed.

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