Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

That's what I was so afraid of when I found one of our eggs had been stolen and the 2 hens were trying to eat the chick. I took it from them and moved mama hen and her eggs 2 days before hatch. Fortunately it was a complete success.

Things do happen. This is the first time we have ever had a problem with hens eating eggs. At least that I am aware of! I am positive the incubating eggs we not actually being targeted, they were simply being included in the egg eating. I really hope that the mustard eggs put a stop to it, because I do not want to have to eat a good broody hen. Yesterday I got 19 eggs. 3 of the 8 mustard eggs were gone. I left the remaining 5 out there and am adding 10 more today.
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This little cutie made an appearance yesterday evening! So far, it is the only one I have seen, though I have heard more under this Buff Orpington and under the Buff Brahma. I also have 4 in the incubator I am planning on sneaking under someone. I just haven't decided who yet.
Ack! My remaining broody Brahma abandoned the nest!! She was trying to get out of the nest, so I moved the screen and she bolted and never came back. I guess she did not want the responsibility of actually raising the chicks. She had one chick actually hatched, and 4 remaining eggs. Three eggs are now in the incubator, one was bad so I tossed it, and my Buff Orpington adopted the one hatched chick. So, so far I have given the BO momma 5 extra chicks. She is still going strong on her nest. I will go ahead and give her any more that hatch in the incubator. I am so tempted to try to get her to also adopt the ones in my small brooder. They are several days older, past the 3 days the yolk provides, so I cannot just sneak them into the nest box with her, as they need food and water. I think she might be willing to take them though.
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My Silkie had one egg pipped but I didn't check anymore. This is day 21. I guess I thought at day 21 they'd be hatched and fluffy?
Ack! My remaining broody Brahma abandoned the nest!! She was trying to get out of the nest, so I moved the screen and she bolted and never came back. I guess she did not want the responsibility of actually raising the chicks. She had one chick actually hatched, and 4 remaining eggs. Three eggs are now in the incubator, one was bad so I tossed it, and my Buff Orpington adopted the one hatched chick. So, so far I have given the BO momma 5 extra chicks. She is still going strong on her nest. I will go ahead and give her any more that hatch in the incubator. I am so tempted to try to get her to also adopt the ones in my small brooder. They are several days older, past the 3 days the yolk provides, so I cannot just sneak them into the nest box with her, as they need food and water. I think she might be willing to take them though.
My broody adopted chicks that I snuck under her after her original chick was already 4 or 5 days old and she had been off the nest and taking her chick out & about. She ended up with 5 chicks, but one died. I think it got trampled by other chickens when they were out in the chicken yard. The 4 remaining chicks are doing great. There is slightly more than 1 week difference in the age of her oldest & her youngest chick!
My broody adopted chicks that I snuck under her after her original chick was already 4 or 5 days old and she had been off the nest and taking her chick out & about.  She ended up with 5 chicks, but one died.  I think it got trampled by other chickens when they were out in the chicken yard.  The 4 remaining chicks are doing great.  There is slightly more than 1 week difference in the age of her oldest & her youngest chick!

That is definitely the outcome I hope for if I attempt it!

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