Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I'm really nervous today, I watched Puff almost all day yesterday (I brought a book out to the coop with me
) and she didn't leave the nestbox with her new little one so I couldn't watch the flock to see how they would react. I'm letting her raise the chick with the flock. I have to go back to work today and I'm worried what's going to happen if I'm not here to break things up if it goes bad! Can you tell, I've never done this before? I know, I know, nature has been doing this for ever but this is my cute little fluff ball we're talking about. Darn work

I REALLY don't like getting pecked! Those 3 to 4 lb Sumatra broody's really hurt!

In all seriousness, I only look at the eggs when mama is off the nest. I know when I'm as grumpy as my broody's I don't want anyone touching me!

I learned the hard way to only do it stony's way. Disturbing some broodies upsets them so much that the eggs are broken and chicks are killed.
I absolutely wait until mama is ready to let me see - and take full advantage then!
Goes MUCH better that way.
We all know what is means to be broody,
It didn't take me long to know which hens i could peel back and which ones we off limits. lol my little bamtams could care less how many times you peel them back, but my games well they are not touchy feely at all. Congrats everyone on the new chicks, looking forward to pics.
and to Jl, excuse me while we pass in the hall again, congrats on another broody.
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She let me see him this morning.



I could just squeeze him, he is so cute! Puff is being an excellent mom, she softly clucks to him and the little one looks at her like she is the best thing ever. Sooooo cute!
My other 3 are due on Monday. I would really like to share the responsiblity between the two silkies if all 3 hatch. All moving around this morning when I candled. I'm hoping Puff will adopt another or the two moms could raise them together.
Love the pics of momma and baby! He is so squeezably fluffy!!

Barngoddess, my chickens will have to live without lizards as my cat eats them all. We have TONS of tailless lizards around the house where she's caught it by the tail, it detached, and has yet to grow a new one. Saves on cat food!!

Miss Lydia! What a surprise to see you here!! (Great minds and all that!)

I have two JB eggs sitting on the counter coming to room temp. I'll put them under her this afternoon when I get home making a total of three eggs. So far, like Miss Lydia said, my bantam hen is being way more tolerant of me messing with her than my LF was. She even lets my kids pet her. She puffs up and clucks a bit, but has not yet tried to peck.

Anyone want to weigh in as to whether or not she'd adopt some 4 week old chicks instead of eggs? Has anyone tried giving older chicks to a broody?
That's all my broody ever did, too. She's pretty darn docile, and a really good mom.

On the 4 week old chicks - not sure. Could you try introducing them at night when she's sleeping/mellow and see if she accepts? We reintroduced our injured chick at night and she took it right back - but then she was already caring for it's mates.
24 hours since first chick...
Still only 2... (yes, I looked!)
I do truly believe AliceAnn is the sort of Mum who would sit even if I lifted her up with a crane. She is amazingly calm. Even when I want a peek.
The chicks are perfect and seem strong for being the tiniest peeple I have ever seen!
Bright little eyes...

After not finding any new chicks after the whole long night, I am better able to resist the urge to stalk them. I don't seem to be missing much.
Last night, Stony mentioned not messing with the Mum or nest for "the 36 hours". Anybody know when that 36 hours begins?
Is that time from first chick hatching? First pip?

I'm sure I recall reading of hens who sat for 3 days hatching, and wouldn't leave the nest and the unhatched eggs. Is that common?
All the eggs were set at the same time, so it is not a staggered hatch. How long should I expect to see her on the nest with the chicks?

Just my Day 2 Hatch concerns...but~
a new day dawns, and I have PEEPS!!!!

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