Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Happy to hear everyones chicks are doing great, being intergrated in the flock and looking forward to seeing pics as they grow and also of the new chicks as they hatch. Hers one of our boys that hatched under a broody this summer.. his name is Rusty
My little pancake had fun rolling her eggs around yesterday so she could sit in the sun for awhile. Don't blame her since yesterday was gorgeous!

ML that is one pretty boy you have there! What breed is he? Love the feather colors.

GGCM I hope you didn't jinx yourself by naming the second after Houdini too!

Heather I am glad integration went well and that everyone is getting settled nicely for you! What a relief!
You have a smart little pancake there!

All is well in our coop, babies are up and scratching around with momma, and the rest of the flock are just getting about their business (including one warm whisper-blue egg by a happy Mrs. Badcrumble who is beyond pleased to have unrestricted access to her favorite nesting box again).
Jl he is a cross of Bantam cochin and game. He is one that was going in the freezer but I have had second thoughts till next spring anyway.
How are you feeling?
Jl he is a cross of Bantam cochin and game. He is one that was going in the freezer but I have had second thoughts till next spring anyway.
How are you feeling?

I see why you had second thoughts, unless all your birds are that gorgeous! Well, I've been worse and for awhile Tylenol does the trick. I don't have the swallowing knives feeling, but my whole throat feels thick and swollen out of size. Antibiotics should be kicking in good tomorrow and then back to work! No rest for the wicked!
apparently I'm the second teacher with it out in my school. Good to be a follower!
Jl he is a cross of Bantam cochin and game. He is one that was going in the freezer but I have had second thoughts till next spring anyway.
How are you feeling?

I see why you had second thoughts, unless all your birds are that gorgeous! Well, I've been worse and for awhile Tylenol does the trick. I don't have the swallowing knives feeling, but my whole throat feels thick and swollen out of size. Antibiotics should be kicking in good tomorrow and then back to work! No rest for the wicked!
apparently I'm the second teacher with it out in my school. Good to be a follower!

Good morning, I hope you get another day of rest and recoup before have to go back to the jungle. That strep is bad news, only had it once in my life and that was enough.
Hope everyone is having great hatches and will share pics of their birds that hatched from this years broody. It's fun to see them grown up. They change so much.
No pics from me for a long time to come. I ruined my camera.
I am about ready to give up on broody duck. She's got eggs strewn aroubd the cage. I try mt best to leave her alone, but when I look she is not on the nest. We are both rather frusterated at this point!

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