Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

you don't want to mess with the hen too much- depends on the hen- mine let me pick the eggs up as long as its not for long- one of my silkies will stuff the egg back as far as she can and then stare at me like, 'enough already!'

She is very patient with us (silkie hen), more so with my oldest daughter. I don't allow the girls to touch the egg just lift her up to see how big the hole is. Its a silkie egg and the hole is about the size of a nickle so hopefully it will make it out soon. Thanks for your reply.

We've all been there!!!! Best, best, BEST, advice - WALK AWAY. Wait until there is a chick looking out at you. Don't mess with mama or the eggs at this point. You really CAN mess things up. I learned that the hard way.
(Hole is the pip.)
We've all been there!!!! Best, best, BEST, advice - WALK AWAY. Wait until there is a chick looking out at you. Don't mess with mama or the eggs at this point. You really CAN mess things up. I learned that the hard way.
(Hole is the pip.)

Thanks for the advice. My daughter just said the chick is entirely out of the shell now. I assume once it is dry and fluffed out(how long does that take?) It will start walking around? We have a regular chicken water jug in there with the red base, I have read that the chicks will throw themselves into water, can a chick fit into that small area that they drink out of? Should we put something different in the cage now? I really feel sort of stupid about all of this.....

I don't think they actually throw themselves into the water but rather fall asleep in it and stuff like that but that is FAR less likely to happen with a broody because the babies are going to sleep under mom. Depends on the environment how quickly they dry but you won't likely see much of the chick for a couple of days. Depends a lot on mom and the chick. I've never fussed with the water but that's just me.

You do realize we expect pictures?????
Sharing is a requirement here ....

Congratulations, btw!!!

I don't think they actually throw themselves into the water but rather fall asleep in it and stuff like that but that is FAR less likely to happen with a broody because the babies are going to sleep under mom. Depends on the environment how quickly they dry but you won't likely see much of the chick for a couple of days. Depends a lot on mom and the chick. I've never fussed with the water but that's just me.

You do realize we expect pictures?????
Sharing is a requirement here ....

Congratulations, btw!!!


Oh, will definately post pic when I get them. You all have been wonderful answering my questions! I thank you so very much.
I'm sure more questions are to come!! This has been exciting and overwhelming at the same time
Yeah im also wondering if you can shrink wrap the chick if you lift the broody for a second to peek like in the bator ? I know i need to leave her alone. I have 2 pips. Im glad its night time and ill likely sleep through hatch.
Yeah im also wondering if you can shrink wrap the chick if you lift the broody for a second to peek like in the bator ? I know i need to leave her alone. I have 2 pips. Im glad its night time and ill likely sleep through hatch.

GO pippers!!!

I look forward to hearing MUCH good news tomorrow morning. And perhaps even pictures???

more pics for you- first the broody seramas...silly things, still keep swapping eggs back and forth

and then cindylou and baby- this first one, everytime she would pop her head out, cindy would poke her back in- cindy is a first time mom

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