Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I did something unconventional. I realized that there would be no letting broody hen out with her clutch of 6. The guinea hens are sometimes agressive and I'm pretty sure they would go after the chicks. If it was one or two guineas NBD, but it's nine and I've nicknamed them The Polka Dot Mafia. (Heretofore to be known as TPDM) They are a single unit. and everyone scurries before them (except for Roo #1 for some reason).

I also had 14 eggs hatch yesterday. I thought I would give Miserable Mama Hen(MMH) two just to see if she would take them in having just hatched out chicks on Monday. She did. I was lazy and didn't want to set up the brooder I hadn't been planning on using so I gave her 4 more chicks. She got a little shirty with a couple of them and I kicked her out of the stable for about 4 hours and moved all the rest of the chicks after turning on the heat lamp. I figured that was it and it was going to be a henless clutch.

Just before dark she was still very agitated and I took pity on her and let her in. She immediately ran into the stall... and gathered all 20 chicks in and led them over to "the broody corner"

They don't all fit, but it seems to work between MMH and the heat lamp. They take turns and everyone seems fine.

She's got 15 under her in this pic with 5 out.

what a good momma.

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Awww!!!!! Bless!!!!!!

Hermione is deffinately broody again. But she is NOT having anything this time!!!!

Have also heard of a new potential source locally for eggs/chicks/pullets.

There will be some investigation happening soon
I HAVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 so far! WOOOOO! Pics when the rest finish hatching. Praying that they DO hatch! Mama does NOT want me messing with her, but I had to go clean the poop from under her. She had done a 180 in the brooder so she could poop and it was right behind her so I didn't want that close to the babies.
Seriously I can't explain how excited I am right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get a good view, just enough to see that there were 2 under her. That's enough for me!
I have to come back and say this is 1,000,000 X better than hatching in an incubator. I just can't explain how excited I am. My DH told me "Congrats" because I was just squeeling out of nowhere!
I HAVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 so far! WOOOOO! Pics when the rest finish hatching. Praying that they DO hatch! Mama does NOT want me messing with her, but I had to go clean the poop from under her. She had done a 180 in the brooder so she could poop and it was right behind her so I didn't want that close to the babies.
Seriously I can't explain how excited I am right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get a good view, just enough to see that there were 2 under her. That's enough for me!

I HAVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 so far! WOOOOO! Pics when the rest finish hatching. Praying that they DO hatch! Mama does NOT want me messing with her, but I had to go clean the poop from under her. She had done a 180 in the brooder so she could poop and it was right behind her so I didn't want that close to the babies.
Seriously I can't explain how excited I am right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get a good view, just enough to see that there were 2 under her. That's enough for me!

I have to come back and say this is 1,000,000 X better than hatching in an incubator. I just can't explain how excited I am. My DH told me "Congrats" because I was just squeeling out of nowhere!

3 Babies, 2 more pips...SERIOUSLY? Am I possibly going to get 5 babies??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Isn't it WONDEFUL!!!!!


OK, there she is! I moved mama and babies though because I walked outside and #4 had just hatched and she scooted herself to the food to eat. You could see she was trying to drag them with her, but freshly hatched baby, and last pipped egg were left behind and it is COLD. I don't know if she thought everything was done, or what? Anyway, So I gently moved her and babies into a large dog kennel I already had set up in the house. That way, if she moves and they don't follow, at least it isn't 30degrees out. I know she can take care of them, but really I'm not taking any chances with them. She looks happier now, than she did outside. She is flat as a pancake again and just loving every second of being a mama!

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