Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I have no idea what one is really, lol. Thats what they call them at the hatchery in Elmira Ont. Canada. I suspect they are a cross between a RIR and something else. All I know, is these girls started laying last June 29th, and seriously been laying full tilt since! I have 15 of them, and I get at least 14 or 15 a day! They are great. Heres a picture, maybe you can tell me whats in them ,lol.

Here are the roosters that they are crossed with.

And, here they are, a month old already!!

Here are the classroom chicks

Heres the black broody and her babies

AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I would lift the two broody turkeys.... and I saw a broken shell!! After a few bruises on my poor pecked arms, and lifting 2 birds, I found a lone poult! I sure hope that the wee thing survives 4 pairs of legs all over it. The one thats done all the work, suddenly in the last 3 days, has company to help her... the only other hen. Hopefully there will be more. Maybe I should take it and give it to the black broody. Does anyone know if chicks can eat medicated turkey starter? Would the extra protien hurt them? Because I tried to raise turkey poults on chick starter once, and the turkeys just didn't thrive at all.

Well, the more I thought about it.. the more I thought it would be better off under this hen. I don't know if she will kick it out or not, but right now, it crawled right under her, like it was hers. Hes abit more wobbly, just hatched today, but the chicks will teach it to eat and drink anyway. I have no more chick waterers, or feeders to put in the turkey pen anyhow. I may just have to take them all away from the turkeys (if theres more) , with the 2 hens in there.
Well I'm glad Tripp said what he thinks they are because i was going to say they look like they have RIR in them, very pretty girls and handsome roos too. Cute little chicks also. as far as chicks eating turkey starter i have no idea. Hopefully someone with experience will be along shortly. What is the protein in Turkey compared to chick?
Well I'm glad Tripp said what he thinks they are because i was going to say they look like they have RIR in them, very pretty girls and handsome roos too. Cute little chicks also. as far as chicks eating turkey starter i have no idea. Hopefully someone with experience will be along shortly. What is the protein in Turkey compared to chick?
x2. they look very similar to my RIR hatchery girls. My local farm raised girls are twice the size!
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AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I would lift the two broody turkeys.... and I saw a broken shell!! After a few bruises on my poor pecked arms, and lifting 2 birds, I found a lone poult! I sure hope that the wee thing survives 4 pairs of legs all over it. The one thats done all the work, suddenly in the last 3 days, has company to help her... the only other hen. Hopefully there will be more. Maybe I should take it and give it to the black broody. Does anyone know if chicks can eat medicated turkey starter? Would the extra protien hurt them? Because I tried to raise turkey poults on chick starter once, and the turkeys just didn't thrive at all.

Well, the more I thought about it.. the more I thought it would be better off under this hen. I don't know if she will kick it out or not, but right now, it crawled right under her, like it was hers. Hes abit more wobbly, just hatched today, but the chicks will teach it to eat and drink anyway. I have no more chick waterers, or feeders to put in the turkey pen anyhow. I may just have to take them all away from the turkeys (if theres more) , with the 2 hens in there.
Depending on the manufacturer Medicated Turkey starter or Game bird starter is between 25 and 30 percent Protein. Chick starter is 20 percent. I have been told that the higher protein can cause chicken chicks problems. The reason for the higher protein is the Turkeys grow faster. Same as Guineas, which is what I have. The problems I have heard for chicks is too fast growth causing joint and muscle issues. But in my opinion Too much protein is wayy better than too little. I am going to research this a little and post on the subject again if someone more experienced doesn't chime in.

OK here is a thread with your answer: look at post number three.


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I have no idea what one is really, lol.  Thats what they call them at the hatchery in Elmira Ont. Canada.  I suspect they are a cross between a RIR and something else.  All I know, is these girls started laying last June 29th, and seriously been laying full tilt since!  I have 15 of them, and I get at least 14 or 15 a day!  They are great.  Heres a picture, maybe you can tell me whats in them ,lol.

Here are the roosters that they are crossed with.

And, here they are, a month old already!!

Here are the classroom chicks

Heres the black broody and her babies

AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I thought I would lift the two broody turkeys.... and I saw a broken shell!! After a few bruises on my poor pecked arms, and lifting 2 birds, I found a lone poult!  I sure hope that the wee thing survives 4 pairs of legs all over it.  The one thats done all the work, suddenly in the last 3 days, has company to help her... the only other hen.  Hopefully there will be more.  Maybe I should take it and give it to the black broody.  Does anyone know if chicks can eat medicated turkey starter?  Would the extra protien hurt them?  Because I tried to raise turkey poults on chick starter once, and the turkeys just didn't thrive at all.

Well, the more I thought about it.. the more I thought it would be better off under this hen.  I don't know if she will kick it out or not, but right now, it crawled right under her, like it was hers.  Hes abit more wobbly, just hatched today, but the chicks will teach it to eat and drink anyway.  I have no more chick waterers, or feeders to put in the turkey pen anyhow.  I may just have to take them all away from the turkeys (if theres more) , with the 2 hens in there.

What if you got something like Purina's Flock Raiser? It's supposed to be for a mixed flock of fowl.
I gave to one of my hens two chicks bough at the feed store on the day her eggs were supposed to hatch. None hatched. I was glad to see that she took them. It was and is sad to see the other hen (I have two) who had a chick just a couple of weeks before pecking the poor too new chicks.
Last Saturday, since they made them officially a week, i called the little brown one Cinammon, and the black one Azabache. (No clue of what the store sells, i was wanted extra pullets for my hen - not knowing that were going to be the only ones)
Today when i went out to see how they were doing I could not find Cinammon, after a long time, I found him laying dead. I have no clue what happened to her. Since they were getting peaked I am guessing that is what happened, she was very small but was always very active with the adoptive momma.
Sorry, you may be the only people who can understand this feeling.

that is sad- but you tried- i guess thats why i get a little uneasy letting mama back with the flock while the babies are real little- course now i am scraping to find places for the broodies! but it really is hard to know which way to go on it-

here is the latest-

nilly's first two are out, one more to go, the one on the right is a cochin/barredrock the black is a silky/cochin....

Well here is my girls, things went well, she is a wonderful mama, feeding the girls from her beak even. It's the cutest thing. Took them out with the other big girls, they were interested to say the least, one tried to peck my babies, but I watched closely. Mama was a bit over whelmed when they all came rushing at her, but soon things simmered down and they all went about there business. Any idea what the heck these are? The eggs I got were from RIR reds, Cochins, white rocks, barred rocks, buff rocks and all the other rock breeds lol. No clue but I notice the red chick is getting a comb already, nothing yet from the other chick





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Well here is my girls, things went well, she is a wonderful mama, feeding the girls from her beak even. It's the cutest thing. Took them out with the other big girls, they were interested to say the least, one tried to peck my babies, but I watched closely. Mama was a bit over whelmed when they all came rushing at her, but soon things simmered down and they all went about there business.



Adorable! What breed are the chicks?

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