Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Ok, so that went well, distracted her with one hand and tucked em in from the back with the other. She growled at me but coos to them and gathered them to her. One of hers came out along with the newbie and showed him how to get back in...glad it's cool this am so they'll stay hid for awhile. While I was at it I decided to move her to the broody pen...I will give them some hard cooked egg in awhile (I really don't want them to break open one of those extra eggs) I'm sure she is starving too.

That's great to hear!! Did you give her the chicks during the day??
I NOW know from bad experience to leave unhatched eggs you're not SURE are occupied in nest until a couple of days AFTER last hatch. Suzette was off nest all day yesterday and she had 1 egg left in her nest(we destroyed the other remaining 5-1 had chick in it-I am damaged for life) that I had saved when we discovered fully formed live chick in one of the eggs we were destroying. SO I was very upset clutching the remaining egg(that had an "F" on it meaning at day 12 of incubation/candling we thought it was occupied) and put in back in nest where it sat all alone until dark when suzette came back in and sat on remaining egg. no pip on egg at time but this morning she has TEN chicks so it hatched! can't tell the newborn from the 3 day olds.
Question-- How long after Broody hatches her eggs should I wait to use the SAME broody to hatch more eggs? I know its stressful for the broody hen not eating correctly or laying her eggs but what is the thought on weeks/months to wait????
I would put the dried off chicks under her rather then take them out of the bator as they pip - too many things can go wrong if the humidity isn't correct. So once they all hatch - gather them and gently tuck them under her with your hand covering the chick so she pecks you and not the chick. Let us know how it goes!

I had 4 Marans hatch overnight!! In my bator .... Still waiting on others. I've heard of people putting pipped eggs under their broody..... What do you guys think of that idea?? Or should I just put chicks under her?? She's going to be so happy I can't wait!!!
Yes - glad it turned out well for you. Definitely wait a few days until after hatch before getting rid of any that didn't hatch. The broody will usually find herself and her babies a new nest if you've let them out to freerange. And she won't return to sit on the eggs once she knows they're done.
I NOW know from bad experience to leave unhatched eggs you're not SURE are occupied in nest until a couple of days AFTER last hatch. Suzette was off nest all day yesterday and she had 1 egg left in her nest(we destroyed the other remaining 5-1 had chick in it-I am damaged for life) that I had saved when we discovered fully formed live chick in one of the eggs we were destroying. SO I was very upset clutching the remaining egg(that had an "F" on it meaning at day 12 of incubation/candling we thought it was occupied) and put in back in nest where it sat all alone until dark when suzette came back in and sat on remaining egg. no pip on egg at time but this morning she has TEN chicks so it hatched! can't tell the newborn from the 3 day olds.
My first experience with a broody was that once Smokey hatched her babies she stopped sitting on the remaining eggs (they were duds) and started teaching her new babies how to be chickens. By the time they were 5 weeks old she basically abandoned them and started laying again. By the time they turned 8 weeks old she went broody again. She's a strong little EE and seems to be doing a fine job. I think it will depend on the health of your girl. Also I think she will know when it's right to go broody again or not. The real problems come when you try to extend a broody longer then the 21 days who is sitting on nonfertile eggs or who ends up not hatching anything. And even then you can extend them pretty far by taking steps to make sure they are eating and getting out for breaks from time to time.

Question-- How long after Broody hatches her eggs should I wait to use the SAME broody to hatch more eggs? I know its stressful for the broody hen not eating correctly or laying her eggs but what is the thought on weeks/months to wait????
Oh my gosh the horrible smell, both of my broodies broke eggs last night/ this morning and the smell was so gross.

I really wish these eggs would hatch already so I don't have to worry about them breaking or eating their eggs :(
My first experience with a broody was that once Smokey hatched her babies she stopped sitting on the remaining eggs (they were duds) and started teaching her new babies how to be chickens. By the time they were 5 weeks old she basically abandoned them and started laying again. By the time they turned 8 weeks old she went broody again. She's a strong little EE and seems to be doing a fine job. I think it will depend on the health of your girl. Also I think she will know when it's right to go broody again or not. The real problems come when you try to extend a broody longer then the 21 days who is sitting on nonfertile eggs or who ends up not hatching anything. And even then you can extend them pretty far by taking steps to make sure they are eating and getting out for breaks from time to time.
Could be soon then.(couple of months) But I almost feel better waiting for the end of summer(and I say this like I AM controlling everything but...)so chances of extremely hot days are less. Would worry about chicken shed being too hot for eggs. You know-I understand you can't FORCE a hen to go broody BUT suzette had gone broody on her own 2 yrs. ago and that was the LAST of my experience with broody behavior(well-she COULD have stared behavior but she wasn't extreme and she came in every night normally) UNTIL I put her in with my chosen few that were breeding(australorps) and she was in with them appx. 3 days and I removed australorps, leaving HER with eggs, so I DO feel like I encouraged her to get broody. because she got right to it with all of the eggs. You know it just occurred to me its because I have been removing all of the eggs during day and if I HAD been leaving them overnight she would have also gotten down to it sooner.Anyhow-ramble. Nice to know it could start again in a couple of months if wanted.
May have spoken too soon as went out to give them some egg and two of the four were huddled in corner. Put them back under broody and still there..I think it was more there choice than hers and are a little older and ready to move. Have a towel hanging to keep the light subdued..really hate to mess with mother nature since I am now responsible for what happens. Oh well, could still be a win/win.

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