Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Thanks Bobbie! I guess the broodys are getting along, they are hatch mates. That Silkie can be a real pistol, though.

It's pretty cool how the chicks end up under the same hens at night.
I have two silkies co-parenting the hatching they are doing right now. One of them, Momma, came to me with two chicks and later adopted five more at two different times. This is her third time being a co-parent and all the chicks seem to do better for it!
I have two silkies co-parenting the hatching they are doing right now. One of them, Momma, came to me with two chicks and later adopted five more at two different times. This is her third time being a co-parent and all the chicks seem to do better for it!

That's great - if they can co-parent it helps the chicks to integrate easier when they're bigger. I wish my two that keep going broody would get along. But they absolutely HATE each other. Every time Smokey comes near Topsy in the yard Smokey will get on her back like a rooster and pull her topknot. Topsy is lower then Smokey in the pecking order and it seems Smokey wants to be sure to remind her.
Well I'm trying to hatch under Noira again, she's been consistently broody all season (lay a few eggs, sit for a month, rinse repeat LOL).

She's sitting on 12 mixed breed eggs today, due August 7th.
Babies! Less than 24 hours old. Six out of seven hatched. This is Lucy's second batch of babies. She is such a good Momma!
Lucy is a Salmon Faverolle. The babies are mixed Easter Eggers with Marans, plus I'm not sure what else. The eggs came from a friend.

Candled last night (day 14)
1 silkie egg and 2 turken eggs were blood rings
Remaining eggs- 2 EE, 1 silkie, 1 rosecomb, 2 turken. Hatch date is next monday!!
Blarney - I hope the co-broody situation works out - do you have a cover for that pen? I'm sure you must, but if not, you'll want to put something over it so airborne preds can't get to the babies & hens.
Cute pix!

bobbies - man, I wish I had a couple really good broodies here like you do. Sheesh. Figures, the year I really want to hatch with broodies rather than a bator, and I get one whose not a great setter, and one who is a first-timer. Sigh........

meow - man, those chicks are just adorabel! That first pic is a keeper to be sure!
Well, Melow decided she needed a break today so she flew up into a tree leaving the orp on the floor with the chicks, then Flora came over and started beating the chicks up and the orpington couldnt do anything because shes below her so Melow heard her chick peeping for help so she went mental and flew down the tree and went straight in for a fight with flora and they were going at it for ages and melow had ripped floras wattles and flora has ripped Melows comb and then they were fighting in the bog so i had to drag Flora away and leave her to calm down! then when flora came back to the sheds Melow raised her feathers as a warning and then Flora just walked away!

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