Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

first lesson in personal hygene

Awww... so cute!

So, how many eggs does my Pekin need??!!! She's got 25-30 eggs in her nest and she's still laying!! Now, not all the eggs are hers - the Rouen lays in her nest and we've been putting the Jumbo Pekin's eggs in there too - is that bad? Basically she's been getting 3 eggs added to her nest daily for the past 9 days or so. This morning around 8 or so, I went out and she was laying on her nest. When she saw that I was going to open the door, she started getting up and covering her eggs with the shavings and feathers, then came out and free-ranged, swam, etc. with the others. She seems like she's HALF broody. It's like 95 degrees here during the day and I never see her laying on the nest during the day - only in the mornings. When I went out around 9p.m. the other night, she wasn't laying on them either so I don't know when she actually does lay on them before I catch her on the nest in the a.m. At night, the temps drop to 50-55, so I don't know if she's keeping them warm then.
Awww... so cute!

So, how many eggs does my Pekin need??!!! She's got 25-30 eggs in her nest and she's still laying!! Now, not all the eggs are hers - the Rouen lays in her nest and we've been putting the Jumbo Pekin's eggs in there too - is that bad? Basically she's been getting 3 eggs added to her nest daily for the past 9 days or so. This morning around 8 or so, I went out and she was laying on her nest. When she saw that I was going to open the door, she started getting up and covering her eggs with the shavings and feathers, then came out and free-ranged, swam, etc. with the others. She seems like she's HALF broody. It's like 95 degrees here during the day and I never see her laying on the nest during the day - only in the mornings. When I went out around 9p.m. the other night, she wasn't laying on them either so I don't know when she actually does lay on them before I catch her on the nest in the a.m. At night, the temps drop to 50-55, so I don't know if she's keeping them warm then.
I'd say that maybe a might too many for one duck to cover. I think I'd take out most of the old ones. till she is down to 10-12 but hey that's just me.
this is what the ducklings do when Mama chicken dust bathes

they fall asleep waiting! too funny.
Scovies will have up to 24 eggs in a nest. I don't know Pekins, but yeah, you might want to pull a few outlaying eggs or you may have a bunch of duds that don't get proper cover and incubation. Many birds will lay in and share a nest like that - seems like a dang good spot! Not a thing wrong with letting her hatch others eggs if you want the variety.

If it's 95 out incubation temps are not much higher than that and maybe warmer in the nest. If she were to sit on top of that the temp could easily get too hot (think down coat in that heat!) and truely cook the eggs. Sounds like she knows what she's doing.
I'd say that maybe a might too many for one duck to cover. I think I'd take out most of the old ones. till she is down to 10-12 but hey that's just me.

Not just you, totally agree.

Scovies will have up to 24 eggs in a nest. I don't know Pekins, but yeah, you might want to pull a few outlaying eggs or you may have a bunch of duds that don't get proper cover and incubation. Many birds will lay in and share a nest like that - seems like a dang good spot! Not a thing wrong with letting her hatch others eggs if you want the variety.

If it's 95 out incubation temps are not much higher than that and maybe warmer in the nest. If she were to sit on top of that the temp could easily get too hot (think down coat in that heat!) and truely cook the eggs. Sounds like she knows what she's doing.

Thanks for all the input - I will remove some of the oldest ones and see what happens. EdenCamp, that's what I was thinking - with the temps; I just hope she's covering them at some point in the night...
I don't think she is completely broody yet either as she gets off the nest and doesn't hiss or anything - she will get off the nest if I have food, come into the pen, thinks she gets to go out and free-range, etc.
I am so jealous of everyones ducklings I am hoping mine come soon. We have 10 days til hatch day!!!!
I cant wait & I havent checked her eggs at all. I feel like a 5yo on Christmas.

So far we have caught & dispatched 7 racoons !!!! I am hoping it will stop we didn't catch any last night.

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