Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

around 6 days until my ducklings hatch .. when should i her peeps from the ducklings .. are they like chickens once they here peeping they will be a lot more aggressive ??? i don't know if my drake will be mean to the ducklings or not should i let him out when the mama and the ducklings are out i have a pen outside just made by chicken wire i could put the mama and the ducklings in and let the drake out so he can see them and see if he tries to attack them if he doesn't what should i do about my other drake i have if he gets a little aggressive with them would the father and mother attack him or ???
Mine are due the 25th.

2 in one nest last count 24 eggs.
Aren't they the sweetest things when brooding, well sweet looking anyway. Looking forward to seeing pics and
around 6 days until my ducklings hatch .. when should i her peeps from the ducklings .. are they like chickens once they here peeping they will be a lot more aggressive ??? i don't know if my drake will be mean to the ducklings or not should i let him out when the mama and the ducklings are out i have a pen outside just made by chicken wire i could put the mama and the ducklings in and let the drake out so he can see them and see if he tries to attack them if he doesn't what should i do about my other drake i have if he gets a little aggressive with them would the father and mother attack him or ???
fb, try your drakes around mama and babies, if the drakes start acting aggressive then separate mama and ducklings but make sure they are in a secure place because she will not be able to protect her babies from Predators. Since your ducks free range there may not be any problems, I wouldn't want to have ducklings penned up with drakes even with a mama duck there.
well there is a big pen outside that i can put the mom and her ducklings in so they can sorta free range .. i never had a problem with any animals around here there are ravens and crows around but there are a lot of crows that nest around there so they chase off any air predator .. i will try to put the father in the pen with the mom and ducklings if he is aggressive then i will keep him away from her
well there is a big pen outside that i can put the mom and her ducklings in so they can sorta free range .. i never had a problem with any animals around here there are ravens and crows around but there are a lot of crows that nest around there so they chase off any air predator .. i will try to put the father in the pen with the mom and ducklings if he is aggressive then i will keep him away from her
when tiny until about 3-4 weeks old be very careful of crows they will snatch young ducklings and chicks if they get the chance.
okay .. i have a lot of chickens around and rooster would that help out any ?? i have 4 big roosters and 2 little bantam rooster and then 2 silkie rooster but they are in pens breeding with my hens ... they will be in a pen prob so she can have them outside .. i hope she can keep the 18 under her if all 18 hatch ... someone said i forget who but they said that she could leave some eggs in the nest behind even if they have ducklings hatching but there a little late is that true if it is i will have to step in and take them out and help them hatch
okay .. i have a lot of chickens around and rooster would that help out any ?? i have 4 big roosters and 2 little bantam rooster and then 2 silkie rooster but they are in pens breeding with my hens ... they will be in a pen prob so she can have them outside .. i hope she can keep the 18 under her if all 18 hatch ... someone said i forget who but they said that she could leave some eggs in the nest behind even if they have ducklings hatching but there a little late is that true if it is i will have to step in and take them out and help them hatch
When your ducklings start hatching make sure to put food and water close enough mama won't have to get up since she has so many eggs hatching this could take 2-3 days for all to hatch, with food and water close by she is more apt to sit tight and not get up and leave eggs that are hatching. If you are going to have her and babies inside a pen you probably won't have crows coming around, it's more of a problem if they were out free ranging when tiny because it's so easy for the little ones to get left behind when Mama takes off. That's where trouble can happen. I think just what you said let nature take it course, there maybe some eggs left but they may not even be fertile it will be up to you if you want to open any she leaves behind. I'd make sure she has dif, left them though before you remove them or open them.
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alright i will do that ... i have it sorta close to her its just in the box stall with her .. im worried about the rats i have .. i have nothing i can do to get rid of the rats will she be able to keep the ducklings safe if a rat goes and tries to get a duckling ??
alright i will do that ... i have it sorta close to her its just in the box stall with her .. im worried about the rats i have .. i have nothing i can do to get rid of the rats will she be able to keep the ducklings safe if a rat goes and tries to get a duckling ??
Can you make a section that is protected with half inch metal hardware cloth? Like a big basket? That should keep rodents out.

I would expect the rats to be trouble with the ducklings.

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