Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Here are the cuties!!

We have 20 days left broody mama is doing good she comes out once a day. I dont even bother to check the eggs anymore. I guess I will check it as it gets closer to make sure non explode. I let her out this morning and 10 feet away from her as a huge coon. So off to get traps sigh...
We have 20 days left broody mama is doing good she comes out once a day. I dont even bother to check the eggs anymore. I guess I will check it as it gets closer to make sure non explode. I let her out this morning and 10 feet away from her as a huge coon. So off to get traps sigh...
What a bummer, those coons are relentless. Hope you get him. or her.

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