Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Broody two has left the cramped quarters with what has hatched - scrambled to stuff the remaining eggs under yet another broody. Musical eggs. Going to be a miracle if anything hatches out of them

Fierce mama tho - attacked me when I went in to pull those eggs.
Other mama chomped my hand good when stuffing eggs.

and yes, squeaky toy the whole time telling me to booger off and get away.

Just wait til she's taking a break if you need to count eggs. Really best to just let her be tho.
I hand feed when on nests - they usually accept me being around without getting upset after while.
Fud lady b fren!
mine hisses like a snake if i go near her only time i go in where she is is when im feeding her and giving her clean water and there is a nest in there that 2 of my chickens like to lay in ..... miss lydia do you know how to get rid of rats these ones must be some brave because they went in a pen where 2 big drakes are on the ground and went up into a nest and ate 2 chicken eggs unless they can climb a wall .. i never see them out or anything but its in the day thats all i know because the hens only lay in the day and the 2 eggs i found were chewed and the top of one was gone and the other one was chewed and most of the stuff was eaten from the second egg im getting annoyed of these rats i don't know what i can use to get rid of them .. and as you guys know my female duck is in a horse stall by her self on her eggs where i saw a hole going into the ground and im pretty sure she was already attacked by one and i don't want her babies being killed by the rats any ideas ?
Yesterday I decided to move my broody out of my feed room, what carrying on when I would go in there, so I had her lil coop all fenced in and her room all ready carried her out there in the smaller crate I had moved her into last week, well it was too high to get through the door, so set her on the ground to remove the top, oh yes that went over like a lead balloon, she shrieked and ran out literally climb over the fence so I'm left holding the crate got it inside put the top back on it and had to wait for broody to go back inside feed room before I could pick her up and put her in her new home for the next month. Oh they make life so interesting, I came within a hair of having broody poop all over me. Whew that was close. and after putting up fence [plastic poultry fence] too keep everyone out and her and ducklings safe I turn and look and there is my big EE inside the fence.
Well hopefully it will keep the ducklings inside and safe for a few weeks anyway,.

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