Old hen with gout/arthritis - tips for managing pain?


Living in a galaxy far, far away...
7 Years
Oct 17, 2016
I have a 7y/o EE hen who has some form of gout or arthritis. Her joints in her feet are really swollen and gnarled, and its getting to a point where I can tell its painful for her to get around. The pain is affecting her appetite too, she’s lost a significant amount of weight in the last two weeks. Vet care is a possibility, but I’ve been trying to find natural ways to treat it, or just to make life easier for her, before I set up an appointment. Has anyone else had to treat for this before?

Here are pictures of her feet from a few months ago. They’ve gotten worse since, but I’ll get pictures this afternoon.
Can you take clear pics of the bottom of her feet?

The bumblefoot is really bad, but the times I’ve attempted to treat it at home have only ended up making it worse. :hmm You can tell she’s been sitting on her hocks a lot, too.

Here’s pictures of her feet from the top
Some use Tart Cherry to treat Gout.
I think @MysteryChicken may know a bit more about how to use it.
The bumblefoot is really bad, but the times I’ve attempted to treat it at home have only ended up making it worse. :hmm You can tell she’s been sitting on her hocks a lot, too.
How have you tried treating the Bumblefoot?
Cutting it out or soaking and pressing out the kernel?

I'd try a non-surgical approach. Do one at a time as well. Soak the foot in a warm epsom salts bath. Dry. Apply Clear (Decolorized) Iodine to the scab. Apply a small gauze square, over the Clear Iodine, then wrap the foot with Vet Wrap. Let her go and do her thing.
Next day, remove the wrapping and press around the scab, see if it's loosened. If not, repeat the process. Do this for a several days if necessary. Hopefully the scab and kernel will just pop out. You may have to order Clear (Decolorized) Iodine, sometimes it's hard to find in stores like CVS or Walmart.
How have you tried treating the Bumblefoot?
Cutting it out or soaking and pressing out the kernel?

I'd try a non-surgical approach. Do one at a time as well. Soak the foot in a warm epsom salts bath. Dry. Apply Clear (Decolorized) Iodine to the scab. Apply a small gauze square, over the Clear Iodine, then wrap the foot with Vet Wrap. Let her go and do her thing.
Next day, remove the wrapping and press around the scab, see if it's loosened. If not, repeat the process. Do this for a several days if necessary. Hopefully the scab and kernel will just pop out. You may have to order Clear (Decolorized) Iodine, sometimes it's hard to find in stores like CVS or Walmart.

Thank you for this, I’ll give it a shot.

Tart cherry for gout would be 2 capsules twice a day, until it clears up.
Wouldn't hurt to add some ACV, to the water, it'll help with gout also.
We’ve been putting ACV ice cubes in their water and the whole flock loves it.

With the tart cherry, I’m assuming I’d just break open the capsules into her food?
Thank you for this, I’ll give it a shot.

We’ve been putting ACV ice cubes in their water and the whole flock loves it.

With the tart cherry, I’m assuming I’d just break open the capsules into her food?
Tart cherry is given as the capsule right in her mouth.

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