Old incubators for sale: Should I get one?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2008
Corvallis, OR
There just happen to be 3 old incubators for sale near me, and I'm wondering if any of them are worth getting. They're all on craigslist:

Old Brower

Old Sears and Roebuck

This one's just called "heavy duty":

I was wondering if anyone had experience with any of them, especially the last one (because its the cheapest and closest). I'd love to get an incubator that actually holds steady temps. I assume they all would be still air, would you add a fan then?

I wouldn't put my money in them for actual incubating, but I like the old school charm. 2 of them look like they are from the same seller, I would offer to buy both for the asking price of one, just to put them on the shelf because they look cool, or maybe you can use them as a hatcher if you can get them to work. I don't have any expierence with the old ones, but I do like the nostalgic aspect. We use a sportsman and an Eco 20 as incubators and a hovebator as a hatcher. I don't know that I would trust one these old ones to work steady for 21 days. Just my thoughts. Good Luck.
Unless you like collectables I think I would pass on these. At those prices you can buy a new LG from Tractor Supply. The last one is cheap enough, but I don't think I'd want to use it. Maybe someone else will think they're better than I do. The final decision is yours.
I should add that I do already have 2 LG's (I got them both for free), but I'm having a rotten time with the temps right now. They're stable only because I'm obsessively checking them, and making adjustments. I've used the LG's for other hatches and always liked them in the past. I finally pulled out my new egg turner and the temps seem more stable. I don't know what was up though.
That does seem strange, but I suppose anything could happen with something else in the incubator to absorb and release heat. It's still up to you whether you want to use the old ones, but I think newer is better in this case. I would at least find out everything I could about them before using them, and I would certainly ask for lower prices on the first two on your list.
Sort of what I figured. And they look huge. I don't know if I want to take up any more space in my house with a giant incubator. It would be an interesting conversation piece though. They kind of look like UFO's.
I have 2 of them and they work GREAT! I had to clean them up and Ive been hatching with for a year now. They are good prices for them. If it were me, I'ld done owned them by now.................
The first one would probably work, though you might have to test it and replace a few things.(I have one like that and one about half that size.)

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