Oldest Turkey?


8 Years
Aug 6, 2011
Pacific North West
I was talking to a lady some time back and she said her turkey was 12 yrs old. She said they can live to 50+? I find that hard to believe? How old is your oldest turkey you have raised? At this point they could be life long pets for all I know. We have desert tortoise's now for well over 20 years of putting them up for hibernation.

Your oldest turkey?
Hi SteveBaz,
The wild turkeys have 15 years lifespan while domestic turkeys have 10 years lifespan.
It depends on the type of turkey. Broad-breasted varieties may make it to 3 years with a bit of luck. Regular, heritage type turkeys can live up to 20 if well cared for. 50 years is out of the question for any turkey.

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