Olive Egger - pullet or cockerel?

OH my. That is very interesting. Butt says Roo. all else says pullet. Very unusual for a 16 week old not to show what it really is by now. Over the past 30 years, I have only had 2 that I thought were hens, they grew 1" spurs, but otherwise looked hen. They never laid an egg, if rooster came close, they would fight them. kept them for 3+yrs. I was stumped. they were he/she's. or she/he's. :) :caf
Please let us know if anything further developes on this unusual bird. I have seen pullets with just a slightly longer top tail feather, and thought/suspected rooster, but they were hens. This is interesting. We love learning and being surprised. :D
It's probably a pullet but I'm not totally convinced. Even disregarding the tail, something about this bird just says cockerel to me. Let us know when it lays an egg or crows. I am interested to know how this one turns out.
I still think cockerel. tried to post a moment ago and don't know what happen. don't see my post. just looks like feathers are pointy. body build just doesn't seem like a pullet.

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