OMG! NO BEAK?!?!?!


11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Lakeland, FL
So I decided to crack open my last 4 Silkie and Frizzle eggs that hadn't hatched. 3 had died somewhere along the way, but the 4th was alive and peeping when I broke it open. It looked fine, except it's ENTIRE upper beak is missing! Obviously I'm going to have to euthanize it
unless someone can come up with a miracle and tell me how to make a prosthetic beak!
No, I had them shipped to me. I have 10 live, happy babies from them, so I don't know what happened to that one...
The little one is in a better place now. When he finally got all the way out of his shell I saw that he was also missing his eyes, which made it a little easier for me to cull him. Thanks for all the support!
Yeah, for my own future reference, what is the most humane way to cull a chick or chicken when it's quality of life is not there or it's dying, injured... etc?
Well, as gruesome as it sounds, I just cut his head off with the scissors. It was very quick and not messy like it would be with a grown chicken since he was so little. No suffering...very fast.
you can put them in the freezer for a little bit. i don't think i'm brave enough to cut off their head. i'd probably pass out......

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