It should be kept in mind that even paying off a credit card every month during the grace period still wastes money. Most people spend considerably more when shopping with a credit card than with cash or check.
I predict some time in the next year or so the practice of changing the rate of a debt after the debt has been accrued will become illegal.

As it should be.

They may be able to raise rates on future borrowing, but not on borrowing already done.
Be sure if you throw away apps for credit cards you burn or shred or destroy them. People can use them to get credit in your name. Also if you get those checks the cc company sends you destroy them. They can be used by others. If you use one of those they charge the same interest as a cash advance. CC companies always pay towards the low interest purchases first so the high interest purchases accumulate more interest.
To Wifezilla

What station do you listen to Ramsey on in Colorado. I used to listen to him a couple years ago and the station dropped him.
Well, tell me if this makes any sense:
I have had a Chase Visa card since 1983 (Used to be a BP gas card) . Two years ago, a payment to them was lost in the mail (No, it really was!). The rate went to 15.99%, or something like that. We pay it off each month, so the rate didn't really matter, but it had a limit of $35,000, so we liked to have it around, in case of some kind of emergency that we might need some quick and easy cash for. I called and I asked how we could get the rate back down. They said call every six months, and they would review the account for a lower rate. I was ticked about it, so stopped using the card at all. About a month ago, we recieved a letter, stating that since we hadn't used the card in over two years, it must no longer meet our needs and they were closing the account. Fine, no big deal, don't use it anyway. Two weeks ago, we get a call from chase reguarding another Visa card, that used to be a Washington Mutual Visa, asking us what they could offer us to make us more inclined to use their card?
Ok, so now we have a Chase Visa with the rate lowered to 6.99% (and no, it is not prime + 6.99%) and cash back rewards. the credit limit is not what was on the other card, but what the heck is going on with these guys?
None of this is new to the current economic crisis, been going on for years. I got wise to Bank of America about 7 years ago, for all the reasons stated above. I switched to a local credit union, and love them. They take care of their customers like to "good old days". Still all these years later every time I have any contact with them I praise them, then ask for their supervisor so I can praise them. Have never had a problem.

When I went into BOA to cancel all my accounts the woman asked me why I wanted to cancel. She was very nice so I didn't blast her. Did tell her about all the complaints I had about BOA. She just smiled a little sadly and told me that she had been cancelling hundreds of customer accounts, every week, for the same reasons I had.

I was recently turned down when I applied for my first credit card through my credit union. Reason? Too low credit score. Even though I don't make much, I have a year's worth of income saved up and have never been late on my bills.

I recently took out my first loan ever-to go back to college-and am hoping to start paying it off right away as soon as I find out how so hopefully my credit score will improve. I'm also going to try again for a credit card as they're safer to use online than debit cards.

It is so weird how I've got credit card offers in the mail before, but when I when I try to apply for one on my own, I get turned down.
There's no figuring it out. A few years ago I got a Lowes credit card in the mail so I activated it cause I had some work needing to be done on my house. I used it once. Then since I was driving a civic. I bought a small pickup to haul the stuff in. The next time
(a couple days later) I was in Lowes and they declined my new card. When I asked why they said it was cause I had bought a truck, but couldn't explain what that had to do with anything. It's funny now, but I was furious then. I certainly could afford the truck-still have it as a toy. I have great credit. I think they just wanted to help out Home Depot. It worked.

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