To Wifezilla

What station do you listen to Ramsey on in Colorado. I used to listen to him a couple years ago and the station dropped him.

I listen online too. He is on a Colorado Springs station in the mornings, but I listen to Tom Martino in the morning, so Dave has to wait

I use a really cool website that lists all radio talk shows and shows what stations they are playing on.
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I have a home equity line we got to put on an addition turned out the building inspector said the sills were bad we decided to build a whole new house. We were saving the last $ 20,000 for finishing touches. We got a letter last july that said due to the economy and the declining housing market we have decided to take $15,000 dollars back from your home equity line.
If I had not saved that money and had already used it I would have had to write them a check for $15,000 or lose my house.
And it was Chase, yeah we bailed them out too!I'm terrified they are going to send another letter.And in the mean time I've been trying to pay it off.
Ah, the good ol' credit score game. You can't get credit unless you already have it. Nuts.

See if they have an option for a secured credit card. That is where they freeze a certain amount in your savings account as collateral, then give you a card with that amount as your credit limit.

Make sure the card reports to all three credit reporting agencies, then use it sparingly and pay it off early every month. That should raise your score pretty quickly.
You gotta read the fine print, all of it. If it comes from your credit card company, bank, or other financial institution you need to read it.

Bottom line is profit for the business, not helping people.
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When people get sick enough of this crap to abandon operations just such as this...then it will stop. I'm transitioning to cash and carry and if there's someplace that can't handle that then...well, I'm not using them. Period.

I firmly believe that an economy based as ours is on the greed of the few at the expense (literally) of the nearing extinction. If you don't also believe that, then read this article and see how angry you get at the manipulation of yourself and those you love:

It's time for our economy to evolve. Plain and simple.
They keep increasing the gap. Won't happen in my lifetime but I see the middle class disappearing. All the industries including tech industries are going oversees. The middle class can't exist in a strictly consumer driven economy. You have to have production too. That includes engineering, software development and jobs like that. They can all be done cheaper outside of the US. The only jobs left will be those that can't be exported and the rich in both parties will continue to be sure there is a pool of cheap labor available for those jobs. Of course if you own some land you can let some people live on your land, grow crops ad give you a portion. It will be just like the old days.
Mine does - and so does DH's. I dont know why yours isnt.
I have our reports sitting in front of me and am starting right at 'em.

Hmmm..... Wonder if its only certain banks that report them then?

if thats the case...looks like I'm going to be calling my bank and asking WHY. When I did before I was told because it works just like a credit card - and come to think of that I'm looking at my report - there IS a "limit" amount on here. Every Debit card comes with a "daily limit" (for those that dont know that) - you cannot purchase past a certain amount per day. Ours is set at $1700 - and I see it on my report as a "limit" type of thing...hmmm.

If you dont know that your debit card has a daily limit and thats the only thing you use (we use our extensively vs. checks) - if you ever run into an issue where you need something major (purchase or repair) most are set at $250 - 500.00 daily limit and can and will be declined past that bank set amount. I recommend calling your bank if you havent done so or do not know - and asking what your limit is and if it can be raised if possible. The limit has to do with what you carry in your account. My mom wasnt aware of this and went to pay bills over the phone after my dad died and was declined
for her electric bill and phone bill after she had paid one other one - as her limit was only $250.00 at that point because she never used her debit card - she always wrote checks. We had it raised.

I'm on the phone Monday with my bank...
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One of the reasons I heard that there is a limit on your debit card is to help protect you from debit card fraud. If someone gets their hands on your card through a phishing (the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.) exercise, they can not clean your account out in one day. Hence the debit card limit.

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