OMG....The babies are hatching!!!


11 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Central Michigan
Okay, the first one just busted out of it's shell!! I'm so excited my hearts racing and my hands are sweating. I really think it helps if you talk to them when they start coming out of the shell.

Wow, that is sooo amazing to watch. I've been taking pics but I need the help of my DH to load them. I'm so happy and I can't wait for my daughter to get home from school to see it!! WAHOO!!
I'll be adding pics later this evening. I have to give "Crunchie" a big "Thank You" she sent me 6 free Cuckoo Marans eggs because she wasn't sure if they were fertile. So I can offically tell her that at least 2 so far are fertile because I have another one pipping. Oh the excitement!!

This is so fun to read these post, I can't wait till it's me. Mine are due to hatch 3-24 and my kids will be on spring break so I think I might take that day off to be a part of the excitment!!
YAY!!! Oh, I'm so excited! Isn't it awesome!!??? Keep us updated and post pics when you can! These are the first ever babies from this trio of Cuckoos (though I have a dozen or more cooking in my 'bator right now)!

I'll have to go tell my roo Louis and his girls that they are parents!

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