
In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 12, 2013
have just been up to the shed to give girls a treat and henrietta had a plastic beer ring round her neck thank god shes ok i got it off fine and she is a bit quiet but no damage done
so just a scare for me but what a scare,
Wow how did she get that its good she isn't hert once i had a muscovy named buggy and he got fishing wire around his leg the fishing wire cut off the circulation so his leg basically fel off got infected and died i was away the weekend it got infected and he died
so sorry your buggy died i would not of forgiven myself if something had happened to her that i could of prevented,
we had friends round the other day and we were up at the girls and someone put the beer plastic into the bin and some how she managed to get it out of the bin and round her neck and foot,
i have only had them 3 weeks and i didnt realise what an effect they have had on me already till today,i knew i was smitten but today has bought it home on how much they already part of the family,i even give them hugs at night before i put them away my hubby came up the other night and both the girls were asleep on my lap and i had forgoten about dinner ...opps
They do something do us, don't they?
hi miss lydia thank god she is fine kept a close eye on her all yesterday and went through the shed and cleared out anything that could be dangerous ,so i think i had a warning there and it wont happen again
hi miss lydia thank god she is fine kept a close eye on her all yesterday and went through the shed and cleared out anything that could be dangerous ,so i think i had a warning there and it wont happen again
I'm telling you if there's anything laying around they'll find it, my goose found some bird netting and had it wrapped around lower bill and tongue it was so tight I had to cut if off of her. I know how scary that was for you.

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