Once upon a time at Circle L Stables.....

Oh how pretty he is!! You are so lucky!

Not much has happened at the barn with the flock other than construction on the coop for the ladies. I did snag several pictures of the youngsters though!

Lots of new things happening around the barn to update this thread with. It's been so long since I posted but now I have tons to share!

First off, the coops finally got finished! Yay! Everyone has now happily adapted to their lives in the coops and have been split into 3 different flocks. (technically 4 but I'll tell you about that later *wink*)

This is the big coop that currently holds the 'large flock' as we call them. With rooster Cas leading his 11 girls (10 hens and 1 young pullet who refused to go in the baby coop).

Not pictured is the smaller coop right next to it that currently houses the almost grown babies! Sp00n, Mel, Turkey, and Ili are all out in the little coop and look like pretty young adults now.

Angry Sp00n

Mel and Ili


That pretty Turkey boy.

Sadly both Mel and Turkey turned out to be cockrels so they will be heading off to 'Camp' today. We contemplated keeping one as there will now be no roo in that coop but we decided that we wanted to add new blood to our gene pools so neither one made the cut for 'top roo of little coop'

The third flock is out free-ranged flock of Chuck, the broke beak rooster, GoldWing, SilverWing, and BlackWing along with the two mean ducks.

The fourth flock? Oh that one is my favorite. A friend right here on BYC incubated and hatched Serama eggs for me and now I have 7 tiny little ones!

That's all the pictures for now but I will have more to post soon! Once the boys have gone to 'camp' today we are going to the house of the same person whom hatched my serama eggs to pick up 3 new chicks from her own breeding program to take their place. I'm not positive one which we will get but the roo was a cream legbar and the mothers range from EE's, BLRW, naked necks, and frizzles! So we shall see!

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