One for a nutritionist


12 Years
Jul 3, 2011
I feed my elderly cat raw meat with a completer, EZ Complete Fur Cats, because this diet helps immensely with her multiple health conditions. I've got an old ailing hen who is showing an interest in meat, but not much else. I've given her cooked hamburger and raw, mixed with nutri drench. Long backstory; PM me if you care.

My question is whether anything in the completer would harm my hen, if I were to offer her whatI'm feeding my cat. Ingredients are:
dried chicken liver, eggshell, dried egg yolk, pork pancreas glandular, green-lipped mussels, taurine, digestive enzymes (bromelain, lipase, amylase, cellulase), Vitamin E, chelated iron, Vitamin B complex, chelated manganese, since, chelated copper, Vitamin D3 and potassium iodide.

Is there anything in that list that would harm her? If not, is there any danger of overdosing on the vitamins by offering both nutri drench in food and water and this completed raw cat ration? I have plain raw venison, elk and rabbit I can thaw and offer, but it would be more convenient to offer my hen what I have already prepared for my cat.

This is just a stopgap, an attempt to offer my hen nutrient-dense foods she'll eat, such as meat and eggs, to see if she will regain strength and mobility. Might not work, just didn't want to kill her in the attempt by feeding her something toxic. Appreciate feedback from people who can look at this ingredient list and authoritatively say "yea" or "nay" rather than guessing, which I can do myself.

Thank you.
Good for you, feeding species correct food. I am a predator raw believer.

I am not a nutritionist, but one hasn't answered so I will chime in.

Cats are different enough from birds that, I would stay away from cat completer for a chicken. I would give my hen bits of raw liver. Liver is nutrition dense. I would not feed cooked meat, only raw, and not eggs because it is not advised to feed animals their own because something in the "self" would affect the eater. Yea, I know people feed scrambled eggs to their chickens, but this is a sick bird.

I would add vitamin C, you can get buffered powder or crystals from a health store or order direct from Solar-ay (no dash). Just a pinch in her feed twice a day. I know that chickens make their own vitamin C. I have fostered dogs for 20 years and find the sick ones always do better with additional C, even on a raw diet. Because she is sick, she probably can't make enough C on her own, and their isn't enough in her feed.
I feed my elderly cat raw meat with a completer, EZ Complete Fur Cats, because this diet helps immensely with her multiple health conditions. I've got an old ailing hen who is showing an interest in meat, but not much else. I've given her cooked hamburger and raw, mixed with nutri drench. Long backstory; PM me if you care.

My question is whether anything in the completer would harm my hen, if I were to offer her whatI'm feeding my cat. Ingredients are:
dried chicken liver, eggshell, dried egg yolk, pork pancreas glandular, green-lipped mussels, taurine, digestive enzymes (bromelain, lipase, amylase, cellulase), Vitamin E, chelated iron, Vitamin B complex, chelated manganese, since, chelated copper, Vitamin D3 and potassium iodide.

Is there anything in that list that would harm her? If not, is there any danger of overdosing on the vitamins by offering both nutri drench in food and water and this completed raw cat ration? I have plain raw venison, elk and rabbit I can thaw and offer, but it would be more convenient to offer my hen what I have already prepared for my cat.

This is just a stopgap, an attempt to offer my hen nutrient-dense foods she'll eat, such as meat and eggs, to see if she will regain strength and mobility. Might not work, just didn't want to kill her in the attempt by feeding her something toxic. Appreciate feedback from people who can look at this ingredient list and authoritatively say "yea" or "nay" rather than guessing, which I can do myself.

Thank you.
I can guess but I'd rather get the specs and give you a better answer. What are the specifics? Daily recommended intake percentages or levels?
None of those ingredients are harmful to chickens. The protein ratio needed for cats is higher than chickens. This protein sounds like better quality than the stuff in chicken feed but she'd need some scratch or grains and greens to round out her omnivore diet.
Good for you, feeding species correct food. I am a predator raw believer.

I am not a nutritionist, but one hasn't answered so I will chime in.

Cats are different enough from birds that, I would stay away from cat completer for a chicken. I would give my hen bits of raw liver. Liver is nutrition dense. I would not feed cooked meat, only raw, and not eggs because it is not advised to feed animals their own because something in the "self" would affect the eater. Yea, I know people feed scrambled eggs to their chickens, but this is a sick bird.

I would add vitamin C, you can get buffered powder or crystals from a health store or order direct from Solar-ay (no dash). Just a pinch in her feed twice a day. I know that chickens make their own vitamin C. I have fostered dogs for 20 years and find the sick ones always do better with additional C, even on a raw diet. Because she is sick, she probably can't make enough C on her own, and their isn't enough in her feed.
Thanks for your input; I have a gift for posting questions that generate few answers. It's a mortifying thought that most people don't know more than I do. :)

Really just want to get her eating nutrient-dense foods; I can thaw some of the plain meat and avoid the completer. She seemed to like the cooked burger better than raw, which surprised me, but I'll feed what she'll eat. Liver might be in that category -- I'm assuming you mean beef liver -- and I hadn't considered that. Good idea.
Beef liver is easiest to get. Is there salt in the cooked hamburger? She may need a little salt.

And, I did not mean to completely replace her food with hamburger and liver, but as additives. If she can't forage, she may need fodder/sprouted seeds. I'm growing some for my chickens.
Beef liver is easiest to get. Is there salt in the cooked hamburger? She may need a little salt.

And, I did not mean to completely replace her food with hamburger and liver, but as additives. If she can't forage, she may need fodder/sprouted seeds. I'm growing some for my chickens.
There's some sodium naturally in the burger; I've not added any. Really just trying to get solid, nutrient dense food in her right now, and topping it with Nutri-Drench. Also adding ND to water. More nutrition than she was getting, anyway, so that's good. I am keeping Flock Raiser ration within reach of her -- mobility being an issue -- should the mood strike.
Cat food can be high in Taurine, and I see it in your list of ingredients. Cats need a lot of it. I'm not sure how much Taurine a chicken needs, and while Taurine isn't horribly toxic, too much of it can cause (in humans) nausea, vomiting, liver pain, headaches, etc... I once purchased a raw diet for my dog that was also made for cats. (My dog has always eaten a raw diet). It had very high amounts Taurine and he got quite sick on the high Taurine. So be careful.
Cat food can be high in Taurine, and I see it in your list of ingredients. Cats need a lot of it. I'm not sure how much Taurine a chicken needs, and while Taurine isn't horribly toxic, too much of it can cause (in humans) nausea, vomiting, liver pain, headaches, etc... I once purchased a raw diet for my dog that was also made for cats. (My dog has always eaten a raw diet). It had very high amounts Taurine and he got quite sick on the high Taurine. So be careful.
Thanks for the info. My hen seemed to enjoy raw hamburger with nutri-drench today, and I can try raw (without completer) venison and elk with her too. That seems the safest course.

One of these days, I will eat as well as my animals.
I feed my elderly cat raw meat with a completer, EZ Complete Fur Cats, because this diet helps immensely with her multiple health conditions. I've got an old ailing hen who is showing an interest in meat, but not much else. I've given her cooked hamburger and raw, mixed with nutri drench. Long backstory; PM me if you care.

My question is whether anything in the completer would harm my hen, if I were to offer her whatI'm feeding my cat. Ingredients are:
dried chicken liver, eggshell, dried egg yolk, pork pancreas glandular, green-lipped mussels, taurine, digestive enzymes (bromelain, lipase, amylase, cellulase), Vitamin E, chelated iron, Vitamin B complex, chelated manganese, since, chelated copper, Vitamin D3 and potassium iodide.

Is there anything in that list that would harm her? If not, is there any danger of overdosing on the vitamins by offering both nutri drench in food and water and this completed raw cat ration? I have plain raw venison, elk and rabbit I can thaw and offer, but it would be more convenient to offer my hen what I have already prepared for my cat.

This is just a stopgap, an attempt to offer my hen nutrient-dense foods she'll eat, such as meat and eggs, to see if she will regain strength and mobility. Might not work, just didn't want to kill her in the attempt by feeding her something toxic. Appreciate feedback from people who can look at this ingredient list and authoritatively say "yea" or "nay" rather than guessing, which I can do myself.

Thank you.
I don't know about anything that may hurt her but I love that you are trying to help her this way.

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