One more! Ameracaunas this time!


11 Years
Jun 20, 2008
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Now for the ameracaunas. Sure hope I spelled that right! (6 weeks old) Do they have named colors and how do you sex these?



I tried to get a picture of this ones back side so you could tell me if there are hackle feathers!


the gang


Thanks for any tips or ideas!
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Close... I always try to remember that both Ameraucanas ans Araucanas both end in CANA with the U coming earlier
or U- CAN
Sometimes they can be tricky to sex ..... usually though the roos will get much larger and redder combs and tend to have feathers that differ in color and pattern between hackle back and tail as to where your pullets will look more uniform...... another thing... looking at the colors and green legs, I have to tell you that technically they are Easter Eggers.
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Yes, you're right--I was thinking the muffs indicated Ameraucanas--but if I remember right these guys are EEs. No matter. I'm just glad I was able to hatch a few of the little boogers!
I guess I'll just wait and see what happens with their combs and such.
I'd guess that number 2 is a roo based on what seems to be a larger comb and the color/pattern looks rooish to me. But I would wait a couple of more weeks and take nice comparison pics of the combs (head on)
One thing I heard about sexing is looking on the inside of the wing and look at their arm/elbow bone skin. If its bare it's a male and if it has fuzzies on that area it's a female. If you're interested enough I can get pictures with my chickens. Let me know.
I don't know if it's true, or if it works I'm tring it out on my random aged flock and have a sad feeling it's true...That means alot of roos. There is also the feather sexing but I haven't learned enough abput it to say whether it's correct or not.
Those are some pretty EE's you got there.
I didn't know that about the wings! I'll give it a look and see if I can tell a difference. They're very healthy and I love the different colors! I just hope a couple are girls~~ I don't have an EE roo, so I'd be happy with one--but not 3 or 4!
i have heard that when they are day old chicks spread out there wing and if the tips of the wings are jagged then its a hen, but if its in a straight line its a roo. beautiful birdies! hopeffully you actually get green eggs, my EE lays white speckled eggs..

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