One Nervous Mother-hen.. Need advise..


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
This is my third hatch ever. I put these 17 eggs in on March 29 after 7 PM. I don't have any little voices talking to me from the bator. Temp has held constant. Water trays have been kept full and two sponges(later removed for fear of too much humidity).

The bator is still silent today at 6:30 PM. I *think*(if not imagined) a couple of the eggs rock slightly. No, cracked eggs yet. In the first week of incubating, all 17 formed veins, so it *should* be 100% fertile.

I'm starting to worry, is putting the eggs in after 7PM throwing me off, is the 21st day for these guys not till later tonight?!?

Just need someone to help keep me from hovering over the bator like an anxious mother-hen.

Your 21st day starts tonight at 7pm. Patience..I'm sure they'll be fine. Good luck.

Oh, I hadn't candled them recently. I've been putting so many eggs in the bator as they are laid. So every 4-5 days I would add another small set of eggs. By the time I realized I wanted to candle the first batch again, it was day 19.

21st day *ends* at 7? or begins? (just clarifying, not trying to be annoying){UPDATE: Nevermind.. Got my answer while typing the post!! Thanks!!}

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Oh, I'm trying..LOL.. That's why I am on the computer and not in the other room hovering over my brood, talking and cooing to them..(Yes, I talk to my little ones..LOL)

Thanks everyone,
Don't worry Kim - you're not the only one who talks, sings and coos to those little peepers. LOL

LOL. Now, I'm just waiting for the little peepers to talk back to their momma.

Did you put them in on the 29th or the 22nd??

I put mine in on the 22nd around 11:00 p.m. and mine are hatching today. I think your are a week ahead of yourself.
*starts to blush a little* the 29th I think.... LOL.. I'm going to crack up if I'm a week ahead, would someone check fer me? *runs to go read date on eggs* brb
ROFL!!! I am a week ahead of myself.. Just checked.. thought today was the 19th of April.. ROTFL

*blushes* Sorry, guys.. well I'm glad we figured out the problem...LMAO.. well, I'll be back in here next week

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