One of my delaware chicks does not look like the others! Please Help!


Aug 8, 2016
I ordered delaware chicks on cackle hatchery's website. Their health is fine but one of them has all white wings when the others have black on their wings. I don't know if they gave me the wrong kind or what. The one on the left is her and the one on the right is what the others look like.

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Oh, ok. Hopefully it's not a malfunction.
Thank you for your help!
The picture on the right is what the other ones look like. Their wings aren't totally black they just have black speckles. When I looked at other delaware chick pictures online they had the black speckles too.
I have the same thing. I have 4 survivors from MMM. three look like your bird on the right, one looks like the bird on the left. The lighter one struggled a bit as a young chick, she's a touch behind. Not sure if that has anything to do with it? She's solid and healthy now. I'm waiting to see if her color changes like her sisters.
I think the lighter one is just slower in developing, I think I see some darker feathers barely emerging- or else my monitor needs cleaning again.
Only time will tell on those. I have seen this with hatchery stock and it may or may not actually develop color on its wings. Could also be a few other breeds but again only time will tell.
Hello everyone! I know this post hasn't been used recently, but I found it when I was looking for info on why one of my chicks is developing differently than the others. When I arrived at the thread, my chicks look exactly like the ones above! The one we are concerned about looked just like the all white one and has continued to look different. She is very scruffy (feathers sticking out at odd angles, often dirtier than the other chicks) and her tail feathers are not coming in as well as the others. The chicks are currently five weeks old. However, I know it is not failure to thrive because she is much bigger than my other chicks! We have two other Delawares in a mixed flock with Barred Rocks, Australorps, etc. We have also noticed that this chick seems to lay down a lot more than the other ones but is not injured/lame. My husband is convinced we have a rooster spy in our midst. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas. I know chicks develop at different rates, but it seemed odd that she was the only one of different color as a chick. I would also like to note that I am not positive they are Delawares, just my best guess.

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