One of my ducks disappeared- what should I do?

Melissa F

10 Years
Apr 15, 2009
Central PA
I had two Pekin Ducks (about 2 months old) and one went missing last night.
I searched everywhere but can't find it, and the one left behind is so lost without his(her?) friend. Assuming the missing duck doesn't show up, should I get some more ducklings and hope they take to each other? Will the duck be okay all alone? My other option is to take the remaining duck to auction and hope that someone bids on it and can offer it some other duck friends.
Just not sure what to do and it's heartbreaking seeing it outside all alone.
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Well, first I wonder if the remaining duck will be safe tonight? What kind of predator protection do you have set up?

Ducks won't be happy living alone without another duck. If you try to find another duck, it would be good to get one approximately the same age because one too little might get picked on too much.
1. figure out what predator got your duck and make sure it can't get the one that is left.
2. get your duck a friend

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